4th July 2010

4th July 2010 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 3rd Jul, 2010 - 11:25am

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30th Jun, 2010 - 4:33pm / Post ID: #

4th July 2010

What are your plans for this 4th of July? It falls on a Sunday this year. Felipe always want to celebrate it so this year we are doing some chicken BBQ, potato salad, some mash potatoes for him and a cole slaw. Also I plan to make some super sizes sugar cookies and decorate it with the flag of the United States.

Felipe made king hats with the US flag for him and his brothers as well as decorations.

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Post Date: 1st Jul, 2010 - 12:49am / Post ID: #

4th July 2010
A Friend

July th

My Fourth will be spent at work enjoying a nice long day of sitting at a desk and watching people. I think later on that night after I am off we will enjoy a nice dinner and then head out to watch one of the many firework displays around the area.

2nd Jul, 2010 - 2:53am / Post ID: #

4th July 2010 Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

My plans for the 4th of July - I have been assigned gopher duties up to that day. I have to 'go for' all the needed food, 'go for' the fancy items needed for decorations and stuff and lastly I will have to 'go for' the BBQ sauce to make BBQ for the hungry souls. I hope my son enjoys the day it is all for him.

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2010 - 3:06am / Post ID: #

4th July 2010
A Friend

July th

I am sure you will make a great "go for" Jaybee. I think all that the two of you do for your sons is great. I hope that you have a great fourth of July.

Post Date: 3rd Jul, 2010 - 11:25am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

July th

Towns make the most of July Fourth celebrations

In South Salt Lake, the annual tradition of the Freedom Festival was buzzing with over 10,000 residents and non-residents. There were lemonade vendors and games for kids. Live music poured out of the speakers on the old Granite High School's lawn. People were grabbing seats on the grass for the best view of the fireworks show. Ref. Source 1

> TOPIC: 4th July 2010


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