Stranger In My Bed

Stranger Bed - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 21st Feb, 2008 - 2:49pm

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21st Feb, 2008 - 1:33am / Post ID: #

Stranger In My Bed

Stranger in My Bed

If you have seen the movie (TV) "Stranger in My Bed", then please place a review for it. The movie depicts the life of an abused woman who is very afraid to leave her husband, so she decides upon a plan that would fake her own death in order to escape.

The movie did remind me of women I have met who were too afraid to leave their husbands. They always use terms like...

"He did not mean it"

"He was such a nice man when I met him"

"He's not that way all the time, he just gets angry sometimes"

"He'll change, he's just going through stress that's all"

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Post Date: 21st Feb, 2008 - 2:49pm / Post ID: #

Stranger In My Bed
A Friend

Bed My Stranger

I believe I saw this movie. SHe tried to flush her wedding band down the toilet after faking her death by drowning out in the sea. He ends up finding the ring in the toilet and then finds her in another town under a new name.

I found the movie interesting. I have known many ladies who were afraid to leave their boyfriend/husband who abused them. Some of the ladies I helped get them out of those relationships while others refused the help. I think this movie helps people better understand some of the reasons women do not seek help and what they go through when they do.

> TOPIC: Stranger In My Bed


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