I like it, I like it. Take the "TIFOSO STRANO room" and let us continue to meet the natives.
I just hope the natives do not have any spears!
*Notes a nice necklace of what appears to be tiny heads.*
(147) You open the door and enter the room. It is rather dim, lit only by faint lamplight; there is no furniture but the center of the room is cluttered in debris. Broken bits of wood, a mattress, and shards of pottery are scattered around. You step through slowly, wondering if you'll find anything of value in here, when suddenly a man who had been lying on the mattress sits up. You jump back reflexively, but then relax. The man is quite old, nearly bald, and grins at you toothlessly. He wears torn up jeans and a black-and-white striped shirt. "Hello, friend," he greets you cheerily, as if expecting you. "What's the news? How has our club been doing?" You hesitantly consider this unusual question. "Oh, come now," he prods, " you do enjoy football, no? Which club do your loyalties lie with?" What will you answer? Liverpool (226) Juventus of Turin (328) Inter Milan (44) another club (80) or you don't follow or care for European football (388)? |
We are talking soccer here right? I don't know much about it so say I do not care for it.
(226) "Oh really?" he chuckles. "Do they still exist?" He bursts into a fit of laughter at his own joke. Go to 124. (124) With that, he flops back down on his mattress and begins humming to himself. You try to question him, but he is unresponsive. You decide that he must be insane and therefore cannot possess any useful information. You leave the room and continue down the hall. Go to 166. |
(166) A little further down the hall, you reach an unmarked door to your left. You can open this (60) or continue to follow the hall as it winds around to the left (286). |
(60) The door opens into a rather bare room. There is a drink cart leaning against a dumbwaiter set into a wall. As you step in, you suddenly notice another door to your immediate right; it is labeled STREGA. Now, will you leave this room and continue down the hall (286) examine the drink cart and dumbwaiter (375) or go into the Strega room (340)? |