Culture Unto Himself
Can a person have their own culture within a culture that is different to theirs?
I think they can to an extent. I am not sure it will get them very far but yes they can. Look at the news and you can see people who had their own subculture going. They usually were caught and punished because their culture was not something legal but they had it.
If one wanted a culture of their own and it was nothing that was illegal I think they could live it without anyone but those in the family understanding it. There could be some that are in existance that we do not know of.
Sure you can as long as there is no minimum required for a person to have their own culture.
A good example is a Canadian Christian family living in a Christian community in Hong Kong.
Japanese culture to start then a subculture of Christian Japanese then a second subculture of Canadian tradition in a Japaneses Christian culture.