Blessings Hand Book
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Mormon Blessings Hand Book - Mormon Ordinances (Hover)
Plural Marriage Ceremony: (The Seer, O. Pratt, 1853, pp. 31-32) "The President, who is the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator [or other qualified Melchizedek Priesthood holder] ... calls upon the bridegroom, and his wife, and the bride to arise, which they do, fronting the President. The wife stands on the left hand of her husband, while the bride stands on her left. The President, then, puts this question to the wife: `Are you willing to give this woman to your husband to be his lawful and wedded wife for time and for all eternity? If you are, you will manifest it by placing her right hand within the right hand of your husband [in the Patriarchal grip].' [10] The right hands of the bridegroom and bride, being thus joined, the wife takes her husband by the left arm, as if in the attitude of walking; the President, then, proceeds to ask the following question of the man: `Do you brother (calling him by name), take sister (calling the bride by her name), by the right hand to receive her unto yourself to be your lawful and wedded wife, and you to be her lawful and wedded husband for time and for all eternity, with a covenant and promise, on your part, that you will fulfil all the laws, rites, and ordinances, pertaining to this holy matrimony, in the new and everlasting covenant, doing this in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses of your own free will and choice?' The bridegroom answers yes. The President, then, puts the question to the bride: `Do you, sister (calling her by name), take brother (calling him by name), by the right hand, and give yourself to him, to be his lawful and wedded wife for time and for all eternity with a covenant and promise, on your part, that you will fulfil all the laws, rites, and ordinances, pertaining to this holy matrimony, in the new and everlasting covenant, doing this in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses of your own free will and choice?' The bride answers, yes. [11] The President then says, `In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, I pronounce you legally and lawfully husband and wife for time and for all eternity; and I seal upon you the blessings of the holy resurrection, with power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed with glory, immortality, and eternal lives; and I seal upon you the blessings of thrones, and dominions, and principalities, and powers, and exaltations, together with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and say unto you be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, that you may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity in the day of the Lord Jesus. All these blessings, together with all other blessings pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant, I seal upon your heads, through your faithfulness unto the end, by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.' The scribe, then, enters on the general record, the date and place of the marriage, together with the names of two or three witnesses who were present." [12] Father's Blessing "Father's blessings and other priesthood blessings are given to provide direction and comfort as guided by the Spirit." (CH 1998, p. 34) "To give a father's blessing or other blessings of comfort and counsel, one or more worthy Melchizedek Priesthood holders place their hands lightly on the person's head. Then the priesthood holder who gives the blessing: 1. Calls the person by his or her full name. 2. States that the blessing is performed by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood. 3. Blesses the person as the Spirit directs. 4. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ." (CH 1998, p. 34) Patriarchal Blessing "Every worthy, baptized member of the Church is entitled to and should receive a patriarchal blessing, which provides inspired direction from the Lord." (CH 1998, p. 34) [13] (no set words) "The Patriarch will lay his hands upon your head, call you by your full name and tell you by what authority he gives you this blessing. For example, `Brother (or Sister) ________, in the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood which I bear, and under appointment as a Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I lay my hands upon your head and give you a patriarchal blessing.'" ("Answers to Questions about Patriarchal Blessings," dissertation by Thomas W. Grassley, 1979, p. 6) Dedication of Home "Church members may dedicate their homes as sacred edifices where the Holy Spirit can reside and where family members can worship, find safety from the world, grow spiritually, and prepare for eternal family relationships." (CH 98, p. 34) The Melchizedek Priesthood holder dedicating the home: 1. Brings both arms to the square [which has been referred to as the sign of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood]. 2. Addresses Heavenly Father in prayer. 3. States it is by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood that he holds. [14] 4. Dedicates the home as he is inspired. 5. Commands the powers of Satan to depart, in the name of Jesus Christ. 6. Adds any other blessings as the Spirit dictates. 7. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ. (Not taken exactly from either handbook; additions by the compilers) Dedication of Grave "A grave should be dedicated by one holding the Melchizedek Priesthood. The one offering the prayer may begin: `Our Father in heaven, surrounding this open grave, we dedicate and consecrate this spot of earth as the final resting place for the body of ________.' To this may appropriately be added supplication to the Lord that this spot of earth may be a hallowed place to which the kindred may come, and that at the time appointed for its resurrection, the body may again come forth reanimated by the spirit." (MH 1946, p. 150) To dedicate a grave, the Melchizedek Priesthood holder: 1. Addresses Heavenly Father [with both hands raised to the square]. [15] 2. States that he is acting by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood. 3. Dedicates and consecrates the burial plot as the resting place for the body of the deceased. 4. (Where appropriate) prays that the place will be hallowed and protected until the Resurrection. 5. Asks the Lord to comfort the family and expresses thoughts as the Spirit directs 6. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ." (CH 1998, p. 34; italics are the compiler's.) * * * Casting Out Evil Spirits "And these signs shall follow them that believe--In my name they shall do many wonderful works; In my name they shall cast out devils; ..." (D & C 84:65-67) Shaking Dust Off Feet "And in whatsoever place ye shall enter, and they receive you not in my name, ye shall leave a cursing instead of a blessing, by casting off the dust of your feet against them as a testimony, and cleansing your feet by the wayside." (D & C 24:15, July 1830) [16] Washing of Feet "I then said to the Elders, As I have done so do ye: wash ye, therefore, one another's feet; and by the power of the Holy Ghost I pronounced them all clean from the blood of this generation; but if any of them should sin wilfully after they were thus cleansed, and sealed up unto eternal life, they should be given over unto the buffetings of Satan until the day of redemption." (Joseph Smith, DHC 1:323-24) Woman's Confinement Blessing "For women, the ordinance [of washing and anointing] was particularly associated with healing, especially in the case of sisters who were pregnant or experiencing childbirth. As part of the ceremony, the man or woman performing the ordinance would lay his or her hands upon a person's head, `anoint' the person with olive oil specially consecrated for that purpose and pronounce a blessing upon the person in need." (Sillito/Lieber, Weber Studies 5:1, Spring 1988, p. 62) [17] Sealing Men to Men The Law of Adoption "But when we come to other sealing ordinances, ordinances pertaining to the holy Priesthood, to connect the chain of the Priesthood from father Adam until now, by sealing children to their parents, being sealed for our forefathers, etc., they cannot be done without a Temple. We can seal women to men, but not men to men, without a Temple." (Brigham Young, JD 16:186) True Order of Prayer "I can tell you it is time for us to be humble, prayerful, to live our religion,--not only those men who hold office--not merely those who are selected to lead prayer-circles and to pray according to the holy order, but it is for all; ..." (Heber C. Kimball, JD 8:108) "The Lord Almighty has revealed unto us truths and principles. He has given us commandments, shown and taught us the order of prayer, and how to worship in spirit and in truth. He has given us signs which it is our privilege to use to indicate our determination before him." (Joseph F. Smith, Imp. Era 9:812) [18] Temple Endowment "You need an endowment, brethren, in order that you may be prepared and able to overcome all things." (TPJS, p. 91) "He [God] has required that we should build a house unto His name, that the ordinances and blessings of His kingdom may be revealed, and that the Elders may be endowed, go forth and gather together the blood of Ephraim--the people of God, from the ends of the earth." (J. Smith, DHC 6:13) Second Anointing "For any person to have the fulness of that Priesthood, he must be a king and a priest." (Manu. Hist. of B.Y., Watson, Aug. 6, 1843) "... Pres. Lorenzo Snow spoke upon the subject of giving Second Anointings. He said that this blessing brought a person to a greater knowledge of things pertaining to God and His purposes in the earth, that the glorious things of the kingdom were made clear to the understanding of the man. Therefore it would be a very serious thing for a man to apostatize after he had received this great blessing." (Clawson Journal, April 8, 1901) [19] Calling and Election ". . . brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." (II Peter 1:10-11) "The more sure word of prophecy means a man's knowing that he is sealed up unto eternal life, by revelation and the spirit of prophecy, through the power of the Holy Priesthood." (D & C 131:5) |
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