Plea to legalise flags on plates
A campaign to allow motorists to display the Welsh flag on car number plates is launched on St David's Day.
National flags are to be proud of.
But Wales has another flag, The Flag of the Welsh Princes of Wales.
Last flown in battle by Owain Glyn Dwr, it is the Four Golden and Red Lions of Gwynedd.
It is seen on many a car sticker, tee shirt and pub flagpole.
Red Dragons, Lions, Eagles or Kiwi birds, everyones entitled to their national identity.
On car plates? Why not.
The Green and White stripes were given by the House of Tudor.
The Dragon is ancient, possibly Roman.
The eternal struggle between the White Dragon of England and the Red Dragon of Wales continues in a cavern beneath Dinas Emrys in Snowdonia.
There may be a few scars on Red's brow, but we believe that the tide of the battle will turn again.