Jean, that money was a gift, because there is not another site on the net that I enjoy, or appreciate, more than InternationalDiscussions. However, there are more $ available to you for something as simple as mentioning in the next newsletter that a story is happening on my private board such as has never been told. Or you can make potential readers aware any way you please as long as the fee is nominal. Thanks for all you do.
I think you mentioned that you wanted that Thread spruced up like the Mousetrails Thread was done. You have $30 credit right now, so if you want to add $40 I will do that, add some kind of graphic for it and yes, mention it in the next newsletter. How about that?
By the way, it may be out of your budget but a lifetime Diamond Member can do lots of things! You can also open your own Board... call it the Mousetrails Boards and then open your own Threads and have it run the way you want.
I appreciate you getting back to me with that JB, and have sorted a payment out which I've sent signed for 'quick delivery 4-10 days'
Good luck with your donation drive, and thanks for all the hard work that you put in!
Best wishes, Diane.