Get Rid Of Debt Problems
How To Get Rid Of Debt Problems Step 3 -- How To Negotiate Reduced Payments With Creditors
First, make a list of your creditors (NOTE: you should only attempt to re-negotiate payments on your UNSECURED debts if you wish to avoid the risk that an item upon which a debt is secured could be re-possessed)Add to this list the outstanding balance owed to each creditor. It is essential that you are accurate with this balance. You should...
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The easiet way to get rid of debt problems is simply not go into the debt. Stay away from credit cards. You can get a debit card so that when your funds are finished there is no more to spend.
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Yes credit cards are the root of the evil money system but you need to have one or two that have a balance on them to get a nice credit score. IF you have no revolving credit them your credit score is not good. So it is a catch 22.