Matt Baker

Matt Baker - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 8th Mar, 2008 - 8:03pm

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Baptist Minister or Murder?
8th Mar, 2008 - 3:31am / Post ID: #

Matt Baker

Matt Baker

What are your thoughts about the wife of Matt Baker who was supposed to be so depressed that she committed suicide? Recently, he and the story was featured on 20/20. The suspicious thing for some was she looked and seemed so happy, yet she just abruptly committed suicide. The police also handled the case terribly, not doing the proper investigation. What are your thoughts?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3233 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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Post Date: 8th Mar, 2008 - 4:33pm / Post ID: #

Matt Baker
A Friend

Baker Matt

I am on the fence here. Just like I was with OJ Simpson. I am not saying that he did not do it but there is not enough evidence to say that he did. Which is like OJs case. I feel he had something to do with the death but they bungled the case and did not get enough to convict.

Sometimes the police in a case can foul up and a killer walks free.

8th Mar, 2008 - 8:03pm / Post ID: #

Matt Baker History & Civil Business Politics

QUOTE (JB @ 7-Mar 08, 10:31 PM)
The suspicious thing for some was she looked and seemed so happy, yet she just abruptly committed suicide.

I don't think that people can just use this factor as evidence against him. I can say from personal experience that my husband and I had a friend who we spent the afternoon with, he was happy, cheerful, he even did an electrical job for a neighbor- telling him any problems with it to come back to him and he'd fix it. His fiancee was pregnant, and he was 24 years'd think he had everything to live for, but out of the blue he hung himself at 11pm that night!

I'm not saying that this Pastor is innocent either, as the police have botched up the evidence, nobody is really going to know one way or another until forensic science has got even better, or more evidence turns up, but I don't think you can be a trial, judge, juror and executioner just on the fact that the wife showed no signs of depression. I believe if it were so obvious, there wouldn't be any suicides at all, as there would be always someone alerted to the fact and able to act on it!

International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 ActivistPoliticianActivist 2.9%

> TOPIC: Matt Baker


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