I remember I used to wake up at about 3 in the morning to get online before school. Now I go to bed after 3 in the morning on weekends. I don't think that I'm really a night or morning person. I like staying up late, but I also don't have a hard time waking up in the morning and like to be up before it's light outside. It's interesting to me being up before the sun.
Imm totally I night person. I have to get up at 5am for seminary.
But yeah night is my time to shine! I loves it! I'll totally talk on the phone with my boyfriend till 2, and stay up chatting till the sun comes up. I enjoy sleeping though, more than staying up most of the time.
The sun's evil o_O... Whenever it's a really nice day and I sit out in the sun, I end up falling asleep. So I figure, what's the sense? And sleep in really late, usually waking up somewherer between 11:30 am to 3 pm. The lateest I've stayed up one night was 7 am... I'm not doing that again any time soon... Besides! When friends get me to hang out at night, I get really hyper, it's rather amusing.
Well I am a little bit of both...I am a creature of the night, I have wolf blood in me. The only thing i like about day is my non-night creature friends that I get to hang out with. The moon is full right now it is soooo awsome I am soo hyper, if my best friend Kit were here we would probably be walking around in the dark right now.