One Newspaper Runs Alternate Pro-Life Abortion Ad After Others Censor It
Caleb Parke at Live Action News reported last week that three major newspapers rejected an ad submitted by Heroic Media, which showed a life size image of a preborn baby between the ages of 20-24 weeks. Source 9
Teacher Refuses Paper on Abortion, "You Can Do Abortion if You Write FOR It"
Abigail Cornejo is a Sophomore at Palatine High School in a small town in Illinois who merely wanted to write a paper on the controversial topic of abortion. But her English teacher had something else in mind and told Conejo she couldn't write on the topic - and if she did, she would have to write from the pro-abortion perspective.
"My English class is doing a controversial issue research paper," Abigail told LifeNews. "My English teacher, Mr. David Valentino originally told the class we may not do abortion, euthanasia, or legalization or marijuana. I asked why we couldn't do infanticide, abortion and he replied with, "I"ve read too many papers on it. I don't care anymore."" Ref. Source 8
Huffington Post: "We Can Have Morally Good Abortions"
While it's almost nice to hear a pro-abortion argument that isn't some version of the "Keep Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries" shriek, Huffington Post blogger Donna Schaper's contention - that abortion is moral - isn't any more effective, and it's rather more insulting.
The left-wing United Church of Christ minister recently argued that "Abortion can be a highly moral choice for a woman." Surprised? You"re not alone. The post is titled, "Most Women Under 40 Haven't Heard the Pro-choice Moral Argument." Perhaps because there isn't one - or if there is, it's not the one Schaper made in her piece. Source 6
Pro-Life Victory: A Record 87 Abortion Clinics Closed in 2013
Operation Rescue has concluded an exhaustive survey of abortion clinics in the U.S. And is pleased to announce that it has documented a record number of abortion clinic closures in 2013, during which time 87 surgical abortion clinics halted abortions.
The total number of surgical abortion clinics left in the U.S. Is now 582. This represents an impressive 12% net decrease in surgical abortion clinics in 2013 alone, and a 73% drop from a high in 1991 of 2,176. Ref. Source 9
56,662,169 Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973
Given the trends seen in recent national reports, National Right to Life now believes that there have been over 56 million abortions since 1973.
One critical piece of evidence in that calculation arrived in November of 2013, when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported its latest national figures. It was important to find out whether the drop in abortions for 2009 seen by the CDC-4.6%-would continue in 2010. If it dropped again, we"d have some confidence that the 2009 figure wasn't just some odd statistical aberration, that there really was some real and significant decline. It did. Ref. Source 3
Hundreds of Thousands of Pro-Lifers March for Life: Mourn 56 Million Abortions
Hundreds of thousands of pro-life people turned out for the annual March for Life in Washington, braving cold temperatures to take a stand for the right to life of unborn children. While marchers mourned 41 years of legalized abortion, many sounded a hopeful theme for a pro-life future and think the decision will eventually be reversed.
He Roe v. Wade decision, handed down on January 22, 1973, overturned pro-life laws offering protection for unborn children in most states across the country, and made abortions legal and virtually unlimited. Almost 57 million unborn children have been killed in abortions since. Ref. Source 8
Abortion Rate Drops to Its Lowest Level Since 1973 as More Babies Saved From Abortion
As the pro-life movement has passed pro-life laws nationwide in record numbers, a new report released today shows the abortion rate has dropped to its lowest level since 1973. That means more unborn children are being saved from abortion than ever before.
The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, a former research arm of Planned Parenthood, released the report on the abortion rate today - noting that it declined to 16.9 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 in 2011, well below the 1981 peak of 29.3 per 1,000 and the lowest since 1973 (16.3 per 1,000). Ref. Source 9