Not to debate if someone should have or get a tattoo but for everyone I ask...
Have you ever had a tattoo? What is it of? Where is it?
Do you currently have a tattoo? What is it of? Where is it?
Do you plan to get a tattoo? What will it be of? Where would it be?
Anyone that doesn't believe in getting a tattoo, what would you get if you did? Where would you want it?
I currently have on my right shoulder blade a medieval green dragon climbing over a crystal ball. Inside the crystal ball is a swirl of red smoke.
I may in the future get a larger dragon (Possibly black or green) on my right calf. His body will cover most of my calf, his head will lay over the side/front of my knee, with his tail wrapping my foot. Ambient smoke of a brightened version of his color protruding from behind him. Possibly even put a wizard holding up his staff on the opposite side of my calf. Edited: bwren on 12th Mar, 2008 - 12:23am
I wouldn't get a tattoo, but my husband has been fancying getting one done for a few months now.
Our neighbor (female) went to get another tattoo, and brought home the tattoo artist, he is covered in them right up to his head, he's a nice guy, and I think my husband would get him to do one if he were to get one done at all.
He likes the look of an Alice Cooper one that he saw when when we met some Germans at an Alice Cooper concert, or the Union Jack flag, on his right shoulder.
All of my husbands brothers have a tattoo, and their Dad also.