Terra Forming
Do you think it will be possible to Terra Form Mars so it can be more like the earth once humans get there?
While terra forming may be good in some cases I am not sure that we can tera form mars to the point of it being earth-like. Granted we can build some needed items there to get around but the dimmer light of the sun will make living there hard to do. Building glass or otherwise inclosed structures to absorb what light there is would be a more fitting idea. That way you can add water and not lose a lot of it to the harsh and thirsty elements.
I do not see how one could do that as our vegetation needs certain light levels, water ect. So I think it would be more like adapting existing life form to meet the new environment, and changing the mars environment would occur but not on the scale to make it earth identical.
I think we have a better chance at finding a planet more earth like then transforming it.
Finding a more earth like planet can take some years. Looking at mars and finding a way to adapt to it and raise plants that do not need as much sunlight can be beneficial to us as we further spread out among the stars. It is getting to mars and learning some terra forming that will help us out I think.
Exactly! I hope it is sooner than a few decades. I would like it to be in the next ten years. What we really need right now is a platform in orbit to launch from. That would save us a ton of fuel alone. Since we use 75- 80 % of the fuel just to get in orbit I think.
With a space launch platform we can reach the astroid belt for mining and mars will be a lot easier to reach than it is now. Using mars and many of the moons around jupiter as terra forming practice we can be better prepared for new worlds that are more earth like.
Mars terraforming not possible using present-day technology. Science fiction writers have long featured terraforming, the process of creating an Earth-like or habitable environment on another planet, in their stories. Scientists themselves have proposed terraforming to enable the long-term colonization of Mars. A solution common to both groups is to release carbon dioxide gas trapped in the Martian surface to thicken the atmosphere and act as a blanket to warm the planet. Source 2j.