I have to agree that there are far worse things than chewing gum in the chapel. Cell phones are a very good example. I have found that chewing a piece of gum will help if I have a cough or sore throat and I do not have a throat lozenge on hand. It keeps me from coughing which is more disruptive than someone chewing gum. I would never chew gum if I were conducting a meeting, giving a lesson or saying the prayer.
I would never call gum chewing irreverent unless the person was popping it and being disruptive. Discrete chewing should not be a problem. Someone who chews like a cow would be tacky and ill mannered.
If I am being reverent and focusing on the meeting I will not notice if someone is chewing gum or not unless they are conducting or being disruptive with it.
Name: Cori
Comments: As a ward organist for many years who chews gum to ward off a dry mouth (from meds), I have been condemned to outer darkness by the folks that whisper all through the meeting. I have an interesting vantage point from the organ. I have played in a number of wards in a number of states, and I can tell you that chewing gum is the least of our worries in sacrament meeting. I have my cel phone ring a Bach chorale as it is less jarring when I forget to turn it off.