Slowdown found in assimilation of immigrants
WASHINGTON - Current immigrants - especially Mexicans - are less assimilated than those 100 years ago, a study to be released today found. The study uses Census data going back more than a century to measure assimilation through various indicators such as English-learning, employment, home ownership, rates of marriage to native-born people, child bearing, naturalization, educational attainment, military service and many others.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,700225451,00.html
Yes they are slow on assimilating because most are over here working illegally. They do not want to learn english they would rather use the ACLU to force americans to learn their language so they can keep on traveling back to their native home and not have to worry about taxes and other things americans pay for.
Here's a fine example of "non-assimilation" from Florida. Notice how the newspaper uses such positive terminology, to help those who view it in a negative light to feel better about it.
FORT PIERCE - Students taking their first steps into the world of learning at Chester A. Moore Elementary this fall will be able to take advantage of a new curriculum designed to develop proficiency in two languages. The school will become the first in St. Lucie County to host a dual-language program that provides instruction in English and Spanish for students in kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. C.A. Moore Principal Keith Davis said the curriculum, commonly referred to as a 50:50 immersion program, will help Spanish-speaking students learn English while providing English-speaking students with an opportunity to start learning Spanish at an early age. Classes will be composed of native Spanish- and English-speaking students. A teacher who is a native English speaker will teach half of the class time in English only, and a teacher who is a native Spanish speaker will provide instruction speaking only Spanish during the other half of class. |
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
Just because someone speaks a different language does not make them less of a person.
We should welcome Mexican's as future Mexican American's.
I hate people who hate other races than themselves. It is disgusting, whether it is against me or not.
We are all Gods creation / children of the Earth
Furthermore in history Dark skinned people were the first on the earth.
Britains came over and colonized a land that was already civilized (USA).
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 70 7%
Mexicans are welcomed to the US in greater numbers than any other race or ethnicity. There isnt another group close to the legal immigration that Mexico supplies:
Source 9
Nice graph that shows the latin immigration paths into the US.
Source 1
Please note that Mexico has supplied an order of magnitude more immigrants (legally) to the United States on a annual basis. The US cannot sustain uncontrolled immigration that consumes government resources and that is where the issues stem. America is broke...we have no money and cannot afford to continue to pay for illegal immigrants. As nice of a country and people as we are, we just cannot be the social security for the world. It is unfortunate that Mexico is not a nicer place to live so that more Mexicans would be interested in staying in their homeland, but it is equally unfortunate and not right for the US to be asked to pay for large quantities of their population. If this be the case, we shouldnt have stopped at Mexico City back in 1848, then everyone in Mexico could be Mexican American.
Which takes me off on another rant...
I am an American. If you are in America and are a legal citizen, you are American first. It is nice to affiliate with your ancestrial roots (I love the things that my Irish heritage has given me), but first and foremost you are America. This is a feeling echoed by many that understand what this great country stands for and there are a great number of Mexicans that are part of that. As it has been since the time when Britain made us a penal colony (50% convicts originally, so I am not certain of civilization at that point), we speak english in America. Germans, French, Spanish, Mexicans, Chinese were all allowed to speak their language. However, to be part of this thing that is called America, you needed to learn english. Call it a pre-requisite or a terms of condition.
How can you say the Pledge of Allegiance and understand it if you don't know english? Should we change the Star Spangled Banner to Spanish? Why not have a Pledge of Allegiance and Star Spangled Banner in ebonics while we are at it?
Assimilation is a important issue. Assimilation and quick at that makes productive citizens. Citizens who can help support the Union and not become a drain on it. The problem with groups that do not or refuse to assimilate is that they take longer to be productive citizens and have larger percentages depending on the Union to support them.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Here's a different prospective from Canada. Recently the government for the province of Quebec changed the rules governing government services. If a person is wearing anything covering their face they can be refused any government services including health and schooling.
The Canadian Arab Alliance, a group of Arab Canadian organizations encouraged this as means of keeping mainstream Arabs from being branded as radical Muslims. Many Lebanese and Eygptian Canadians are Christian.
The ban does not cover headcoverings which would affect Hutterites, Menninites and other conservative religous groups.
If a Canadian woman goes to Saudia Arabia she is expected to wear long sleves and cover her hair . I feel that this is similar. It shows respect for the dominate culture. In Canada as in the US, covered faces reminds us of bank robbers and bad guys in cowboy movies. We see hidden faces as being dishonest. There's nothing in Islam that states you need to cover your face. It's cultural.
If you want to come to Canada you should expect to assimilate to Canadian values. Covering your face does not meet this expectation.
Let's hope that other provinces follow Quebec in setting this expectation of its immigrants.