A lot of houses these days, even newer houses, come with unfinished basements. Either the buyer wants to use the basement for storage only, or has plans of their own for finishing it. Finishing a basement can be hard work, but also very rewarding, and it adds to the value of the home almost instantly. Do you have a finished basement in your home? Did you do it yourself? What tips can you offer for those who would like to attempt to finish theirs?
I personally haven't finished a basement, so unfortunately can't give any advice on it.
However, I used to work for an elderly couple who had an empty basement that they just used for storage. They decided it was a waste of space, so decided to utilize it better.
They brought in a building company, who basically only had to slightly do modification, to turn the basement into another bedroom, complete with bathroom.
It wasn't a case that they transformed it at great cost either, they made it pretty basic, but they achieved the required result, it certainly looked good, and added value to their property!
I have to do the basement but it is semi finished. Yes I would recommend it. If you are good at dry wall and wiring it is a do able project but get help lifting please. If dry wall taping and mudding are scary to you then contract it out.