Hot or Not Gallery
If you have viewed / used this feature please place your feedback here.
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I have done both, view and use this feature. I think is a great addition because you get to see the faces of the people of the community. Sometimes you have an idea on how they look like based on their avatar, but this feature allows you to see other pics. I love it.
I haven't, well obviously, and more than likely won't for the simple reason that I'm paranoid.
Not just about people seeing my picture. I'm just paranoid. Whether it's mild paranoia schizophrenia or not, I just find it rather uncomfortable to put your picture anywhere public. I am very safety conscious at times and it that area I am very conscious.
I do have issues with posting my pictures on the web, but I usually get over it when I feel comfortable with a group of people. I think a large part of the reason, other than not having any decent pictures, is that I am not really too fond of people rating how I look. I struggled with a lot of self conscious issues growing up that took a lot of work for me to get over, and the idea of somebody taking a poll about my appearance makes me feel yucky. I might see if my fiance and I managed a good picture when we went to Disney World.
I am not really too fond of people rating how I look |
First of all, I would like to show my appreciation to all of you for sharing your feelings by saying that I respect your decision(s) and believe that your opinions are quite right. Therefore if the Hot or Not feature makes you feel uncomfortable then do not participate, likewise, those of you who are not fearful of this - go for it, but regardless to wether you do or you don't I love you still the same.