If like me you like ice cold blended juices and smoothies, this is a great recipe!
If you've got a favorite recipe or method for smoothies or blended drinks, please share!
There are loads of different ways to make this banana smoothie, so this is just one way--
Banana smoothie
Ingredients required
half to a full carton of pure orange juice (start with half and add more if needed)
5 bananas chopped
around a dozen strawberries(topped)
a cup of ice cubes
just add all these ingredients to the blender, blend, serve, and enjoy!
Berry Banana Blend smoothie, or B3.
1 Cup Raspberrys (fresh)
1 Whole Banana (slightly under ripe, more flavor)
2 Cups Strawberry Sherbert
1 Cup Pineapple Juice (add more if you like it thinner)
Blend all ingredients into oblivion (about 1 and a half minutes) or until desired texture and serve!
This is so good in the summer time!
Fruit Lassi
This is based on the Indian drink of mango Lassi, but can be used with any soft fruit.
If you are making the mango lassi, use only mango as the fruit, if making other lassi, use combination of 2 fruits.
Ingredients required
Fruit (please see above)--as much as you'd like to add,depending on how strong a flavor you prefer.
2 tablespoons of honey
2 cups of natural yogurt
2 cups of milk
Blend all above together in a blender or liquidizer, for around 1- 1 1/2 minutes.