Car Safety vs. Car Luxury
Some drivers are even packing their car interiors with GPS navigation screens, portable DVD players and computer keyboards and printers. New York State Sen. Carl Marcellino learned this firsthand while riding in a cab in Miami - the driver was watching a boxing match on a television mounted on the dashboard. "I can understand a monitor in the rear, but up front it is a different world," said Marcellino, who sponsored a bill last year to ban all "display generating devices" in the driver's view. New York already has a law against TV sets in the front seat. "The driver shouldn't be doing anything other than driving," Marcellino said.
Anyone here ever saw Pimp that Ride or Unique? Some of those cars are way distracting. I know if I was driving a pimped ride done by Unique I would be super distracted! I think a screen can be in the front, I think you just go to know you only have to glance and not stick your eyes into it. I mean, its not like I would watch my fav show while driving anyway it might just be to see a traffic report or whatever.
I have this thing about distractions when I drive. I do not want to be distracted because there are far too many distracted drives on the roads today. I sat one day at a major intersection, was waiting for wife to get off work. During the 35 minutes I sat there I observed over 30 near collisions. Many people were either eating, talking on the phone or talking to a passenger. I saw numerous items placed on the dashboards. I saw one person reading a book and blow the red light even while others were crossing the intersection with the green light. How she did not get hit I do not know. She never slowed down.
I think safety is a big issue and that the law should be pulling people over. There is a law on the books "driving while distracted" that can solve a lot of these issues. Having your phone, a GPS and other items on your dash that obscure your vision or distract you from driving safely needs to be removed or get a fine. There are right ways of using these devices and still drive safely.
Too many people can not drive and look at a GPS, talk on their phones, eat, shave, put on make up or any combination of all of these.