Sexes: Lightning Strikes
Is it true that lightning strikes men 4 times more than women?
I think that would be correct Krusten. I can think of a lot of preachers using this in their next sermon.
Yes it is true that men get stuck about 4 times as much as women do. This is due to the fact that you have men out there who are too stupid to get out of the weather and into a safe area. They will continue to play "just one more hole" or finish this chore then go in. Women on the other hand tend to go in when it starts to rain. Unless she likes playing in the rain.
I do like the commercial about men getting hit by lightning more.
Not to be sexist, but men do tend to have the careers that would put them in situations that are more apt to have lightning strikes(construction workers, Linemen, Farmers, Emergency Services.)
Its not always a matter of Stupidity, but rather they are doing the Jobs that have to be done (Electricity returned to a city, Cattle fed even in the worst of weather, People saved when they are in emergency situations.)
Name: Jeb
Comments: It is because men are generally taller than women.
Lightning does not always strike the tallest object. I have seen lightning strike the ground right next to a 30 foot tall tree. Maybe it is because we tend to build up a charge quicker than a woman does? OR it is just because we are out in storms more than women are.