Love: Learned or Inherited
Name: Stoic
Comments: Some people can love so easily and others find it very difficult. Do you have to be taught how to love or does it come naturally?
I think maybe a bit of both? As in a small child will normally put their arms out to you if you encourage it, but a child will also study everybody's actions around them also. So if it's not nurtured, I think that the ability may just fade away.
(Just my humble opinion)
That is such a thought provoking question and undoubtedly very debatable. I have not thought very long about it but I'm going to say that love is learned. Along with love is understanding what you do to show love, give love and things like that you don't already know this from the start, it has to be taught to you. You do have to naturally want to do it of course but initially you have to be taught to do it.