I ignored some advice and stayed overnight on a secluded beach.
My fire had almost gone out as I rolled in my sleeping bag and listened to the rhythmic waves on the sand.
I must have drifted in and out of sleep a few times when I was woken by a strange sound. It was like a low screeling drone, a deep rhythm in chorus with the waves.
Then I looked out and was amazed to see small figures and shapes dancing along the silver surf. For a second I was frozen, with a strong compulsion to join the etherial party. Then my self kicked in - I gathered my kit and my wits and ran to the nearest village.
What I remember most was the feeling of wonder and great dread.
What were they? Aliens? Demons? or Angels?
According to legend they were Water Sprites or Faires, and my instinct to run away saved either my life or my soul.
My first question is what were your smoking, sniffing or drinking? Then I'm going to say that maybe you were half awake with your subconscious in control. If you weren't supposed to be there then you drifted off with that thought and it played on you.
Water sprites may be here on earth but I doubt that they are a danger to us. While there is a lot in this world that does not make sense at times I do know there is magic in the world. It is said that a lot of the magic in this world is truely hidden from us. While you may have witnessed some of it for a brief moment the fact that you ran away is the typical answer to anything that makes no sense to us.
This account is as true as I can remember, and I can assure you that Narcotics played no part in my vision.
I caught a glimpse of the Fairy Realm, only once and mabe never again.
I admit I was terrified, my subconscious was exposed by a magical place and a space in time.
As for the shapes, my perceptions of them were a magical dance of pure dread and wonder. They were alive to me, even if just for an instant.
I don't expect anyone to believe, I'm just sharing a memory.
There are times when you can easily be caught up in the magic that is around us. To have seen this even for a brief time can have an effect on one for the rest of their lives. You were given a rare glimpse of a magical place around us. They must have felt you posed no threat to be so carefree so close to you.
Thanks for sharing Harkon as stories like that are very sensitive at best. If what I have become to think more about is true then you may have caught a glimpse into a different "realm". Magic or not I do not know but beyond our present knowledge most differently.
I have felt the presence of a motherly female presence many times and my wife has seen her. We wrote it off to the spirit world were ever that exists.