Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites? - Page 4 of 5

Hi, I have a view that I don't see - Page 4 - Studies of Dreams, Mystics, Paranormal - Posted: 18th Apr, 2008 - 7:28am

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Post Date: 16th Apr, 2008 - 2:22pm / Post ID: #

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites?
A Friend

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites? - Page 4

Yeah I agree. But the thing is when we do run into them there is that little voice inside us that tells us what we should be doing. Sometimes it is good to listen to that little voice.

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Post Date: 16th Apr, 2008 - 4:03pm / Post ID: #

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites?
A Friend

Sprites Water Angels Aliens

Intuition is a very useful tool against what may be a threat.
The trouble is that there are thousands of guides and handbooks of how to perform "magic" and "spells".
This can be as dangerous as crossing highway blindfolded.
Deamons of the subconscious are real, VERY real.
To dismiss all Paganism as "Just a bit of Fun" is irresponsible.
It can lead to physical and mental illness and spiritual psychological imbalance.

16th Apr, 2008 - 5:03pm / Post ID: #

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites? Paranormal & Mystics Dreams Studies

Yes a friend of mine had a niece straight A's. She went to a very nasty club in town, she ended up being laced with some drug and all she could recall was going into some back room where there was hooded people. She soon after developed mental issues and was diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

She spent the better part of two years like this the medical experts said is was due to brain damage from the drugs. She would have some spells of very clear mind and told her father it was like a second being living in her. It ended up one of the neighbors asked for their priest to put the girl on a prayer list. Once that was done the priest had a meeting with his higher ups and they decided to ask to have an exorcism done.

To every ones surprised the father who was not a deeply religious man agreed and since then the girl has return to normal.

Post Date: 16th Apr, 2008 - 11:51pm / Post ID: #

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites?
A Friend

Page 4 Sprites Water Angels Aliens

Greetings everyone, I chose this as my first post because it is on a topic I have had to deal with all of my life. I am considered a highly psychic person. I've come to understand that I am a mystic. The definition of "mystic" is a person whose perceptions are beyond the norm for most people. Whether or not one believes that the Christ actually existed or not, those who study this kind of behavior have no doubt he was a Mystic, at the very least.

On the subject of the "reality" of what was seen, let me remind all of you that all form in the material universe has, as its basis, an energetic pattern. Is not the atom the basis of all materiality? Current physics has discovered that most atoms are composed predominatly of space and the tiny "particles" of an atom respond to stimuli in both Newtonian physics and the physics of wave response. What makes the difference? Intention. It is only now, in the end of the twentieth century that science has finally figured out what Metaphysics has known for centuries ... there is only energy.

As every elementary civilization throughout the world has its "mythological" beings does that make them any less real? I have to disagree with anyone who says yes. I've been seeing these so called "mythological" beings since I was 4 years old. I also see and can communicate with the spirits of the human and animal dead. At such a tender age my analytical mind insisted I was not insane and I began at the tender age of 8 to investigate why I could see these things and so very few others could.

That we cease to see these things somewhere around the age of 6 is not simply life it is cultural conditioning. How many of us had parents who respected our "invisible friends"? In America I know it is very, very few. I was raised by an "old country" Celtic woman who, herself, firmly believed the "little people" still existed and I was never TRAINED to not see them. When my mother learned that I could see the dead, she taught me not to be afraid of them, rather than tell me I was being foolish. I am very fortunate to have had the upbringing I did have. If the Christian community had kept its mysticism, I would not have strayed from that faith structure but I could not get the answers I needed from priests, ministers or other "holy" people in the Judeo/Christian community so I had to look elsewhere for it.

Now, in my fifth decade of life, I have come to accept as part of my normal reality the existence of every creature ever imagined by man. I am of the opinion that the "belief" of humanity has a role in the non-material form these entities take, yes. If we perceive something of which we have no reference for identification we actually will not "see" it. This is basic physiology. If you are aware that you are aware of something but your mind does not have a reference for it, you can MAKE yourself develop that reference by accepting that you do perceive something. Eventually your mind will develop the synaptic relationship to give this something a tagline in your mind.

Just because these entities do not have the density of vibration of the material world does not mean they do not exist. There are many levels of vibrational energetic entities, some perceive them in varied ways, most have CHOSEN to perceive only what their five material senses tell them.

17th Apr, 2008 - 1:13pm / Post ID: #

Sprites Water Angels Aliens

Thank you ArrwynCliona for sharing that here. We are so conditioned to ignore any perception out side of the five senses is so true. Very often we are even taught not to listen to our own instincts that we depended on for thousands of years. I found your testimony very interesting and look forward to more.

Post Date: 17th Apr, 2008 - 3:21pm / Post ID: #

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites?
A Friend

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites?

I am one who has survived due to my "sixth sense" I have listened to that little voice of mine to get myself out of what could have been some deep doodoo. I do believe that there are things out there that I myself do not understand. I have no seen any of them but that does not mean it they do not exist. Just like anything else I am more of a believer of things I have myself witnessed.

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Post Date: 17th Apr, 2008 - 4:20pm / Post ID: #

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites?
A Friend

Aliens Angels Water Sprites - Page 4

KNtoran, you make a good point. If more people would pay attention to their intuition things would run a lot smoother for everyone.

As to not "seeing" what else may be out there, let me clarify for everyone, "Seeing" is only a part of psychic perception. I've been blessed/cursed with "total sensory awareness", meaning I "see", "hear", "smell", "taste" and can "touch" and be touched by the non-material world. I've worked as a professional paranormal investigator and sometimes that can be physically dangerous for the psychic. I "train" other people who are becoming aware of the non-material on how to harness their psychic talents and the most common piece of advise I give is "Not being able to "see" them is normal, not everyone can. Simply the "sense" that something other than material is there is the beginning of psychic awareness."

It still surprises me how many people are totally freaked out by the presence of the dead or some other non-material entity.

I'd also like to say that I encourage skepticism. That may sound strange,given my history but often what may at first be perceived as a paranormal experience is in fact something a sensitive person is experiencing from a "perfectly normal" cause. EMT (Electro-magnetic transmission) is often rated in the places said to be "haunted" but the creepy feeling one can get because of the presence of ghosts can also be generated by electrical equipment that is not sufficiently shielded. The use of an EM meter will help to explain the origin of the phenomena. EM meters can be purchased in the electrical supply department of any hardware store. Their cost generally runs (in US dollars) between aobut 15 and 45 dollars depending on how sophisticated a machine you want.

Post Date: 18th Apr, 2008 - 7:28am / Post ID: #

Aliens, Angels Or Water Sprites?
A Friend

Aliens Angels Water Sprites Studies Dreams Mystics & Paranormal - Page 4

Hi, I have a view that I don't see the Paranormal as a science.
As a Pagan, what is considered "weird" by most people is to me as normal as any belief system or religion.
I don't think of myself as "Psychic", my conversation with my guides, both animal and ethereal has been as natural as breath.
I witness a perception that has given me a full, colorful life; may be I am naive, but my wonder at creation day by day illuminates my being.

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