I am not sure what you mean by radical Islam? By definition I think that radical Islam would be some form of secular Islam that we seem to fine in Europe. If this is the case then yes I think that there are some radical tangents of Mormonism, perhaps like Tescono's, radical feminine groups to some extent, (not all LDS feminist groups are in this grouping though) or new age Mormons as they call themselves. If however you mean fundamentalist Islam like Osama Ben Lauden then yes we do have those as well. The FLDS (the fundamentalist latter-day saints) are a good example of such groups in my opinion.
QUOTE (Isiah53) |
I am not sure what you mean by radical Islam? |
If however you mean fundamentalist Islam like Osama Ben Lauden |
Ok thanks for the clarification. I guess that I was including all Mormons not just LDS, because I consider the church to be one group of Mormonism. ( I consider a mormon any group or person that claims authority or succession from Joseph Smith.)
Within the church I am sure their are some radical groups/ individuals that may be radical. I think of radical in the political spectrum that is towards the left. So there can be some radical LDS but are in good standing with the church. For example, I am thinking the new Mormon anarchist group that is there now. They publish a newspaper now called the Mormon worker. They are all in good standing with the church, but they are politically radical by definition. I also think that there perhaps is some reactionary groups (opposite of radicalism) that probably exist in the church. I know a lot of members were/are john Birch society. (I think they are a reactionary group). I guess if they keep there covenants in the temple, and sustain there leaders then why should they not be members. Other then that I am not sure what is meant by "decisive action" not authorized by the brethren. Politically the church really lets one vote, and support the way their conscious dictates. But that is my opinion.
But can we really compare Politically Radical Mormon groups with those of Islam. There is no comparison today with the violence and negative influence that they have.
The difference I believe is that mainstream LDS/Mormons would expel any Radical Mormon group within its midsts that was as violent as Islam has tended to be.
Fortunately or unfortunately The "LDS Church" has little tolerance for Radical anything at this point.
The purpose of the Thread was not to compare Radical Islam with Radical Mormonism, it was to ascertain if these types (Islamists) or similar types exist in Mormonism. Many would use the Mountain Meadows Massacre as an example, or even the Danites - both of which have their own Threads.
I am not sure if we are using the term radical the same way. Radical is an extreme change from tradition or the norm. What we are experiencing with Islam is not radical but fundamental Islam. A big difference. They do not see themselves as a departure of tradition but a rebirth of tradition, and meaning. Radical Islam would be a form of secular Islam that breaks from traditional ideas of government and religion. (the type of government we are trying to put in Iraq) I do not think that the meadow massacre or Danites are radical Mormonism by definition. They did not see themselves as breaking tradition But rather protecting it and justified by Mormon ideas of blood atonement. They are more fundamental in there ideology.
I guess a radical Mormon group would be one that breaks away from the traditional Mormon ideas and assumptions.
I would say the group called the new age Mormons are radical. They have broken from traditions by there views of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. They have broke away from the traditional views of there divine attributes. Perhaps some feminist Mormon groups are radical in that they break from tradition of priesthood. They break from tradition and look for something to replace it.
I guess there can be all sorts of radical Mormons. If we are talking religiously or those Mormons who mix politics in as well could be seen radical. I am thinking of the new LDS anarchist association that is growing in numbers. They publish a newspaper and everything. (They are at www.themormonworker.org for those who are interested. ) They are radical, but somewhat more political then religious. However I think you are right in saying that the church does not put up with many radical ideas within the church. Perhaps its a good thing or perhaps it is not. I think it can be a mixed blessing.