Polaski: Super Delegates

Polaski Super Delegates - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 2nd Apr, 2008 - 8:28am

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Post Date: 31st Mar, 2008 - 12:28am / Post ID: #

Polaski: Super Delegates

Polaski: Super Delegates

What do you think about Polaski's recent sentiments about the Democratic party and letting the voice of the people decide rather than Super Delegates' with Electoral College?

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31st Mar, 2008 - 3:25am / Post ID: #

Delegates Super Polaski

The entire superdelegate concept sprung out of a close contest that actually never reached it to the convention. Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy were vying for the Democratic Nomination and it was about as close as Clinton/Obama is today. Brokered conventions, while great for the media to cover, are not a favorite of the general party supporter. The idea was that a group of ranking democrats would be able to make the decision if there were a race that close.

The only problem...they really didnt make it clear on how the Superdelegate should vote, so really there is no guideline.

If the superdelegate is a seated representative of congress, should they just vote for the winner the primary in their state or should they vote for who they think is the most electable candidate? Now there are superdelegates that are not sitting representatives, so they have no constituency to satisfy, so who do they vote for?

Looking at what was created, if they were to follow what Mrs. Pelosi says, why have the superdelegate? Why not just say that the one that wins the majority of the public vote is the winner? That is a whole lot simpler and leaves for less for controversy.

Personally, I see it 2 ways and it doesnt matter to me how they resolve it. One, just go by winner of the popular vote for the nomination. If they want to use the superdelegate system to break a tie, then I would say to them to pick the most electable candidate. If they go this way, I believe it is the responsibility of the Chairman of the DNC to make sure there are no underhanded works at play and that there is some data to back up the decision (polls and such).

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Post Date: 31st Mar, 2008 - 2:56pm / Post ID: #

Polaski: Super Delegates
A Friend

Polaski: Super Delegates History & Civil Business Politics

I think a lot of this is just another way to take the peoples votes from them. The electorial college was invented because they did not trust the people of this land to actually pick the best person to be the president. Now they have come up with this notion of a super delegate because they do not seem to trust us to pick the best person to run for their party. It is a big surprise that many are becoming independant voters?

Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2008 - 8:28am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Delegates Super Polaski

Democrat Pelosi urges end to race

Senior US Democrat Nancy Pelosi urges a quick decision to choose the party's presidential candidate.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/a...cas/7323776.stm

> TOPIC: Polaski: Super Delegates


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