I hope they are talking about dogs and not albino humans, that is absolutely disgusting.
So you are saying that you advocate the use of human body parts in rituals, persuming that is what they are using?
Certain areas of Africa seem to have a big issue with these witchdoctors, not only they do all sort of weird rituals (such as the example given in the article) but most of these doctors prey on very poor people and convince them their kids have been possessed by the devil and that's why they are so unlucky between other non-sense beliefs. They literally leave these poor people "dry" while they become wealthy by the minute.
I don't advocate any human body material to be used in any ritual.
But we can't judge other tribal cultures that were no different from our own a few thousand years ago.
For example the Tibetan Shamans use human bone as a material for many, if not most of their ritual equipment. You can buy it over the internet; beads, ornaments, even drums made of human skulls.
Its not something I am into myself, the energy signature of this material is far to strong for me.