Nepal's Rhinos

Nepal' S Rhinos - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 11th Apr, 2008 - 1:50pm

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Post Date: 11th Apr, 2008 - 4:13am / Post ID: #

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Nepal's Rhinos

Saving the Rhino

The wilds of southern Nepal are home to some of the last remaining populations of the great one-horned rhino. But poaching remains a problem. In the poverty-stricken country, one rhino horn can mean a big payday. They fetch tens of thousands of dollars in places like China, where the horns are used in traditional medicine.
Ref. ABC Nightline

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11th Apr, 2008 - 1:50pm / Post ID: #

Rhinos Nepals

As long as poverty is high stopping poachers is extremely hard. Perhaps if they were shot on site it might damper the activity some but I do not think it would ever completely stop. Also they need to jail any one caught using or selling such a product. Hanging them would be better but unrealistic.

> TOPIC: Nepal's Rhinos


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