Web Bot Project & 2012
There is a Web Bot that tracks all information presented online and comes up with algorithms that show trends. It was originally created to forecast stocks, but now many are saying that it can also forecast future events. One of these events is said to be 2012, the same time of the Mayan Calendar that many predict is either an end time or global catastrophe. What are your thoughts?
I would have to see some examples of events the web bot project was successful in predicting to make a determination about how closely I should consider its' predictions.
I have not heard the the web bot's prediction for 2012 as yet, but considering the amount of data propagating that the next end of the world is due in 2012 and the web bot basically sounds like it analyses web data it would not be surprising it would think so. Exactly what type of heuristics and trending techniques have been configured into this web bot. I doubt it can analyse the sense of text (that would be costly). Does it merely look at web searches and stocks?
I've read about it, what it looks for is key statements or keywords similar to how the US must track people by looking for key things said in Emails and pn the phone. It then counts the number of times certain statements / words are said and then recognizes that as a trend.
I don't see how that method could possibly forecast future events such as 2012 being the end of the world as we know. It just states what is most popular for searches, or in conversation. Just has because "porn" or "pamela anderson" may be the most searched phrase doesn't mean its the root of everything researched.
It is called "trends". If something is hot now, it is likely to be hot tomorrow. It is also an intermixing of probability and maybe even some mental movement of the forces that be (but that is another topic) since if everyone thinks and talks about something as 'red' then it will be red or become red regardless of immediate truth.
If that's the case, then all that this bot truly does is predict the behavior pattern of humans. 'Trends' are based on human thoughts and actions. So predicting what's 'hot' or how stocks will be effected is very much possible.
But as far the 'End of the World' scenario goes, unless someone plans to setup and detonate multiple atomic bombs simultaneously in key places all over the globe, so as to create the right seismic activity which would disrupt the core activity of the planet and lead to cataclysm, I do not think that Web Bot can possible predict that.
And also, as has been said, Web Bot seems like something that needs to be fed tons of data or it to make an accurate analysis, and for that the best source it has is the web where we have an almost unimaginable amount of data on any given topic.
Thus I don't think that it can predict cataclysm in 2012.
Name: Beryl
Comments: 2012 isn't that far away and if something is going to happen I don't think it will be all of sudden but gradual unless its a gigantic earthquake. If something is going to happen we may start seeing signs of it now and the worst are the wars and the economy.