Cost Of Farming

Cost Farming - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 14th Apr, 2008 - 9:13pm

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Post Date: 14th Apr, 2008 - 10:20am / Post ID: #

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Cost Of Farming

Cost of Farming

In New Zealand, farm wages are up as much as 20 percent this year, and the average price of a dairy cow has nearly doubled to more than $1,900. In Thailand and Indonesia, farmers are complaining about sharp increases in the price of fertilizer and diesel.

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Post Date: 14th Apr, 2008 - 3:12pm / Post ID: #

Cost Of Farming
A Friend

Farming Cost

I am certain that the cost of farming is going to increase all over and that is going to casue a increase on food again. The main problem is the farmers who cannot afford the increase will be out of a job thus casusing even more food shortages. I hope that I am wrong. Otherwise we can see food wars happening.

14th Apr, 2008 - 5:41pm / Post ID: #

Cost Of Farming UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I agree KNtoran the last thing that is needed is the farmer not being able to afford to farm. We have seen enough of that with the last major round of mad cow disease.

I bought a cow for one dollar cast me 1.50 for the butchering me and some family made out good on it. My cousins neighbor lost his farm had 100 standing head of cattle but could not afford to sell it as they would have brought in less then what the trucking costs were. He could not make his mortgage payments for the balance of the year. He lost the farm and sold several cows to friends at a real deal.

14th Apr, 2008 - 9:13pm / Post ID: #

Farming Cost

The trouble is that prices and workers conditions and pay are proportional. If the western World wants cheap food they have to be willing to pay workers atrocious rates of pay and let them live in substandard housing. If the West wants good pay for 3rd world workers then they have to be willing to pay a significant increase in food costs. Trust me, as one who has done farming and ranching, this is one catch 22 that is almost impossible to get out of.

Plus the emphasis on Bio-fuels has naturally brought the cost of corn to a higher lever (law of Supply and demand, as the supply of corn is diminished due to using it for fuel the prices go up, because demand increases) and created a food shortage in some areas that rely heavily on this commodity.

> TOPIC: Cost Of Farming


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