Rekor awoke to blinding sunshine. His eyes squinted as he slowly got his bearings. He was in the park by the river, in the distance he could see the Chief Elders house. The events of the previous evening where somewhat hazy, his last memory was leaving The Inn after drinking too much ale.
As he stretched out his hand touched something cold. He glanced to his left to see a body laid next to him. He gasped and sat upright, rigid with shock. On a closer inspection the body was of a man unknown to him, and the body was lifeless.
Rekor quickly got up and ran away towards the bridge across the river. The park was empty as Rekor sprinted across the bridge. Once off the bridge he rested between the Butchers and The Inn. He was breathing heavily and thinking fast, wondering what he should do.
Standing still so as not to disturb the shadows Marak's Tehara watches the stranger. The fear in his face is all to obvious and the stench of stale ale strong on the wind. Her slender fingers light touch the hilt of her blade.
Its presence it like the warmth of a lover. She continue to watch not stirring pondering what act he might have committed. In her experience any male with a twitching eye like his is an easy mark and her funds be lower than she likes.