Low-energy bulb disposal warning
The Environment Agency says people should know more about the environmental risks of low-energy light bulbs.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7172662.stm
There's a real problem of disposing of these when they're finished with, and because of Government rulings, they haven't left any place to leave them where it's legal!
I'm guessing that most people are going to have to mix them in with their household rubbish and hope for the best!
In My community there is a place where people can take hazardous or potentially hazardous waste to be disposed of. I have contacted them and they told me they will take burn out low energy bulbs. SO I have about half of my house now on the low energy bulbs and still buy more as my older bulbs burn out. I hope by this time next year to have all my house on florescent lighting low energy bulbs.
Yes there is trace amounts of Mercury but if put in garbage by the millions it adds up. There are private companies that recycle them. Like you Klar Ontario municipalities has a place to drop them off.
For any one in a hard spot for this Home depot has a place you can dispose of them. Place bulb in a bag they supply and deposit in their bins. It is a nice service since they push that technology hard here.