Rock Band (PS3, Xbox 360) Release Date: Nov. 2007
This potential Guitar Hero killer (depending on how much each instrument costs), lets up to four players join the band to sing or play drums, lead guitar, or bass/rythm guitar. The guitars are styled after a Fender Stratocaster, and word is that you'll be able to use some Guitar Hero II controllers, too. Announced at E3 was the ability to download entire albums of big-name artists to play within the game. Rock Band is being developed by Harmonix, and will be published by MTV Games and distributed by Electronic Arts.
Ref. PCWorld.com
Rock Band game to launch full-album downloads
MTV will start selling full albums that can be downloaded and played in its Rock Band video game, with the first title coming next week from classic metal act Judas Priest.
Ref. https://www.stuff.co.nz/4490463a28.html