Taking A Dream Seriously
How do I know when I should be Taking A Dream Seriously?
Generally speaking there are four classes of dreams.
Vivid dreams are extremely detailed. Often you remember them in color and you remember EVERYTHING sometimes for years or even decades. Vivid dreams, if they bear a message for you, should be taken seriously. It may be God's way of speaking to you when He can't get your attention otherwise.
The second type of dream is symbolic. If it disturbs you, then have it interpreted. Generally if someone you know or identify as someone you know is in the dream, I wouldn't tell them until the dream is interpreted. These dreams may have a message for you ... or not.
The third kind of dream is replaying your day, a question you have in mind, or nonsense but they may play in your mind like a movie. Generally I ignore these kinds of dreams.
The final kind of dream is where someone is speaking to you or showing you things but you never see who it is. I'd pay attention to these dreams as well as the unseen entity in your dreams is attempting to guide you in some way.
There are several good books on the market about dream interpretation. Any good book store and some libraries may have some of them. Usually under the psychology section.