Name: Hwoodlocal
Title: Sure~nos
Comments: Sure~nos are together as a family not just a gang, when they are locked up and in the streets. It's political like that.
Name: Mr original
Title: Ogden trece
Comments: All the homies in the pinta. Were to young to know that in 79 the sureno's put us on facts on 30th Lincoln Ave bells market.... Raton east La wino tortilla flatts, willyboy east los, spanky Florencia 13 ect about 20 lil south siders from califas "pull up rob us for everything and I started say [..] that don't drink all my beer and the homie willyboy said to his homies, did you hete that vato don't drink his beer so he said o respect that loco they gave me my beer back, and we started choppin it up .. They said what your varrio I said ccv they said you should be 013 I said what's that he said ogden, trece I said orale let me check with the homies so that night we became 013 but the originals vatos were ccv there was 8 of us they have a dot on thete left index finger and got it a year before 013 ccv1978 then there was a article in the papper call us center city vacas that's cow in English so we went with centro cotu locos in 1979 013 thete after we started recruitment… Facts I have polaroids .... Mr original. Con/ safos.