Your Date Is Married

Your Date Married - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 14th Apr, 2007 - 3:40pm

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Post Date: 13th Apr, 2007 - 12:51am / Post ID: #

Your Date Is Married

Your Date Is Married

While on your third date with a person that you feel really good about you find out that he / she is married. They declare that they no longer live with their spouse and currently they are separated.

Will you still continue to date or leave immediately?

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13th Apr, 2007 - 1:18am / Post ID: #

Married Date Your

If I am single and I choose to date someone, I would be on the dating scene for companionship, friendship and hopefully, I would expect the relationship to blossom into marriage. I am not expecting to go on a date only to learn that the person I am dating is married! It does not matter if the person is separated from his spouse or is in the process of divorcing his partner. When I am seeking companionship, I look for honesty, humility, respect and sensitivity. Honesty is the most important trait for me and if I discover that the person has not been forthcoming with me from the beginning, I will immediately lose faith and confidence in that individual. So to answer the question, I would definitely stop dating the "married individual" immediately!

13th Apr, 2007 - 1:46am / Post ID: #

Your Date Is Married Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I would leave immediately, I won't trust him because he wasn't honest from the beginning. Also whether he is separated or not, he still a married man and that's a "no-no" in my books.

13th Apr, 2007 - 3:26am / Post ID: #

Married Date Your

I would find out if a divorce is in the works. Actually, I would probably try to find out additional things that I might not know like kids, job and actual marriage situation while the floodgates of honesty are open. If she is getting a divorce and has no children, I might still see her if I am really interested and the answers to the unknown questions are reassuring. However, if there are children involved, no way. We could enjoy the dinner, but that would have to be the last date. If she is just separated and there is no impending divorce, then I would have to tell her that I really like her but if she actually decides to and gets a divorce from her husband, then give me a call.

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 13th Apr, 2007 - 3:34am

13th Apr, 2007 - 5:08pm / Post ID: #

Married Date Your

Upon the decoration of not being completely free of the husband I would drop her like a hot potato. One should be thinking why was that not motioned on the first date! it smells immediately of lies and deceit ... not for me thanks anyhow.

Also most people I know who got involved with a divorced lady it never worked out as the lady never learned how to work out martial problems in the first place.

Reconcile Edited: krakyn on 13th Apr, 2007 - 5:09pm

14th Apr, 2007 - 3:40pm / Post ID: #

Your Date Is Married

After three dates, he finally "mentions" that he's still married? I would immediately be done with that guy! As Krakyn said, "Thanks anyway." I've had the "third date" confessions before, and it's not very nice to spring unpleasant news on someone after you've already started to think in terms of a relationship. Deceitful and immature, in my opinion. (Although, since I'm a divorced lady and never learned how to work out marital problems, I'll probably never have another lasting relationship. wink.gif )

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