Yes, I ask alot of question. Yes, there is a reason for that: I'm confused between sides of the LDS issue. My Grandparents were LDS, my parents as Baptist, so I'm a bit lost in the cross-fire and trying to make sense of some things.
Now, that question at hand: I have heard that Mormons believe that Jesus walked around the United States of America. It has been my experience that most of the things I have heard are true, in a fashion, but were given to me without proper explaination, which is why I come to you guys.
I try to find things myself in the Book of Mormon, but I'm a bit lost. I know the Holy Bible inside out, but I go all to mush when trying to find anything in the Book of Mormon.
Thank you for any help you can give me and I appreciate your patience with me and my questions.
The Book of Mormon teaches that Jesus visited the American continents after His Resurrection. At that time, He taught the inhabitants here the same things that He taught in the land of Judah.
There ARE some very powerful traditions and stories from the native cultures of North, Central, and South America that indicate that either Jesus or one of His true disciples "walked around" these three regions for many, many years (centuries). I can't remember what the name of the basic legend is, but it is very pervasive in that a very similar legend exists in almost all of the aboriginal cultures.
This story, and much more, is most evident and powerful in the Hopi Indian culture.
There ARE some very powerful traditions and stories from the native cultures of North, Central, and South America that indicate that either Jesus or one of His true disciples "walked around" these three regions for many, many years (centuries). I can't remember what the name of the basic legend is, but it is very pervasive in that a very similar legend exists in almost all of the aboriginal cultures. |
That is the best way to handle it KNtoran. I know one of the scriptures that is familiar in the Bible is when Christ mentions other sheep, not of this fold.
John 10: 16 16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. |
I have always be fancinated with the travels that Jesus made. I am a avid reader so I think I will get these books and learn what I can about his travels. The more I learn about him the more I want to learn about him. He is one of my all time favorite subjects to read about . And I do read a lot.