Artificial Reproduction
Artificial Reproduction Could Soon Take Place With Pill in Women's Bodies
London, England ( -- A new report indicates artificial reproduction could take place with a capsule inside a woman's body rather than using traditional treatment at a fertility clinic. Pro-life groups are concerned that the "progress" in fertility treatment continues to commodify human life. The Invocell technique involves the mixing of eggs and sperm in a pill-like container that is placed inside a woman's vagina for three days. Any resulting embryos are screened for quality and implanted in the womb. The London Times bills the company's new approach as a treatment that could allow women to have in-vitro fertilization in a quicker and cheaper setting -- perhaps stopping by on their lunch hour. BioXcell, the US-based company behind the Invocell process, hopes to introduce the new process in England later this year and has applied for approval from American regulators. But John Smeaton, the director of the British-based Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, and calls the news "frightening" because some unborn children would obviously be destroyed in the process. "These are our fellow human beings and they are treated as disposable commodities created via a manufacturing process to be sold to the highest bidder," he said.