I am a student of early Christianity and believe that the failure of the modern church is due in part to its failure to look to the past and study what the early church did right and wrong. By early church I mean the Apostolic church that lasted until the time of Emporer Constantine (I feel he meddled with the church in a way that it has suffered from since). My goal is to impart what knowledge I have here in the hopes to help other Christians grow stronger in their convictions, faith, evangelism, hope, love and prayers to God. I also tend to shepherd the flock so I do stand up for Christians when they are accurate and doing their best. I am by no means the most intelligent of Christians but neither were the Apostles. I will do what I can by the grace of God and the guidance of the Spirit.
I tend to study a lot. If I don't know it, I research it. This has led me to be somewhat well-versed in some areas. I put a lot of stock in the writings of the early church leaders as I believe that they understood the Apostles better than any of us.
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