The Lazy Race
From what I have heard from other White folk in the Northern Countries, they claim that in general you will find that the Chinese, White and Indian races are very productive and hard working, but the Hispanics and Blacks are not no matter where you go. You can frequently see them in gangs or hanging at the corner doing nothing.
Gangs are a result of poverty and not a result of race. Hispanic and black races appear to live in poverty more than other races however. But if you go to places that are full of the poor but are in white areas of town, you see the same thing, people hanging out in groups on corners and just walking around. There is a town near me that is essentially a white ghetto and there are few black people or hispanics in the entire ghetto.
Hispanics are generally poorer because most of them came up from the south with nothing, so they had nothing when they got here. Many blacks are poor due to their heritage. We aren't even a full generation removed from when blacks couldn't even have the same jobs as whites. They, as a race, have still not been able to climb out of the gutter of poverty. There are lazy hispanics, lazy african americans, and lazy white people all over, poverty is not necessarily an indicator of laziness.
From what I have heard from other White folk in the Northern Countries... |
First of all, Gossip is just clearly saying what she heard, she did not make any personal judgments but mainly stated what she heard of others. We do not know either if she has traveled or not. My own experience is that even though I agree with both posters, I have seen within my own race (Hispanic) and Blacks something everybody else knows and cannot deny...they are the ones mostly in welfare and using other government's welfare programs. I think is related to three things. 1) Lack of Education (rather than lack of opportunities) 2) Wrong choices 3) Simple laziness. Yes, I have seen women trying to work hard and they have their husband at home, sleeping all day in the couch and that's simple laziness. I have seen this in all races, but mostly within the Hispanic and Black community. This is my personal experience on this issue, so people refrain from making judgments based on my own dealings.
Edited: LDS_forever on 10th Oct, 2006 - 4:48pm
sleeping all day in the couch and that's simple laziness. |
I never said that race determines laziness, what I said based on my own personal experiences, is that certain races seem to have this trait more than others. Now with regards to the the statement I made about the couch, I know there are situations where this people abuse drugs and alcohol, but there are many, many of them, within my own race that just rather live on welfare or have the wife working like a dog. I personally saw many cases like that. Yes, it happens in ALL races, but in my personal experience as I said before, seem to be more noticeable in certain races.
LDS, I personally know a few white lazy, couch-potato husbands whose wives are the breadwinners. Maybe you know more Hispanic ones because more of your life-experience was around those people?
Like I said, in my personal experience and opinion laziness is colour-blind.
LDS, I personally know a few white lazy, couch-potato husbands whose wives are the breadwinners. Maybe you know more Hispanic ones because more of your life-experience was around those people? |