The Best Time To Buy A New Car
Car / Auto Mechanic News
Cars are an important part of our life. You feel incomplete to move around without your treasured set of wheels. Buying a car has no longer become a boring core. There is always an element of excitement included whenever you buy your piece of luxury, be it a small car or a luxury car that [...]
Source: Vol Cars Blog
The really best time to buy a car is after it is about 3 years old and has seen the biggest drop in its value. However, if you are going to buy a new car, like the article said there are those times of the year (Christmas, winter and year end). Also, the information is available on the internet, if the parent company is offering incentives for the dealerships to move a particular model of car then that is a good time for you to buy. You can push them for a lower amount and make them acknowledge the discount they are getting from the parent company...I did this and it saved me about 4% on top of the deal. Additionally, go in the middle of the month and talk to them. Give them your best price (realistic one) and of course they will say they cant sell it for that amount. Give them your business card and tell them you are going to buy by the end of the month and if they change their minds to give you a call. This really works well if you can buy with cash. If they know you are going to buy at the end of the month...they want your money and will be willing to negotiate.
Edited: Vincenzo on 17th Sep, 2008 - 4:21am