Here is a useful link if you or someone you know is dealing with this.
If you area veteran or someone you know is a veteran and they are dealing with this like I am have them contact me or any veterans organization. The VA is starting to reconize this illness more and more. There is help out there for us. Even though they can not name a cause you can get help.
It is my belief that from the mixture of all the chemicals in the air that we breathed on a daily basis is the root to it all.
Gov't Study Concludes "Gulf War Syndrome" is Legitimate Condition, Affects 1 in 4 Vets
Seventeen years after the Gulf war, a congressionally mandated committee has concluded that "Gulf War syndrome" is a legitimate condition that continues to affect one quarter of the nearly 700,000 US soldiers deployed in that war. In a report presented last month to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses said, "Scientific evidence leaves no question that Gulf War illness is a real condition with real causes and serious consequences for affected veterans." We speak with a Gulf War vet who was a part of the committee and who himself is sick.
Ref. Source 5
I for one am very glad that we have gotten this to be a reconized disease. Now I need to get back to the VA and see what else they can do for me. I will have to go back to the federal building and talk to my representative first.
Symptoms of 'chronic multisymptom illness' may be common in Iraq, Afghanistan vets
In a study of more than 300 soldiers who had deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, a majority reported symptoms consistent with 'chronic multisymptom illness' -- a diagnosis that up till now has been associated mainly with Gulf War service. Ref. Source 3q.
Wow you think. Lets see we had to deal with chemical factories being blown up so who knew what chemicals were we breathing in along with the depleted Uranuium rounds we used to kill tanks and other heavy equipment. We were shooting down scud missiles on almost a daily basis with who knows what type of warheads. We were breathing oil well fire smoke a lot, We were breathing in the burning smells of human waste mixed with gas and diesel fuel. We got a shot over there os some sort but no one could tell us what it is for. The NBC (Nuclear/biological/chemical) sensor alarms kept going off all the time plus the local area that we were all exposed to may have changed some of our DNA they think? Just WOW.