Constipation - A Difficult Symptom of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Constipation is considered to be a subjective disorder of the abdomen. For some people, constipation manifests as passing hard stool while for others it means moving bowels infrequently. Some people who suffer from constipation may feel that they have not completely emptied their bowels after a sitting. There are also extreme cases where constipation has caused fecal matter to pack up in the bowels that it has become too hard to expel. Ref. Source 1
Link between constipation, kidney disease uncovered
Individuals with constipation had a 13% higher likelihood of developing chronic kidney disease and a 9% higher likelihood of developing kidney failure compared with individuals without constipation, report investigators. More severe constipation was linked with an incrementally higher risk for both chronic kidney disease and kidney failure. Ref. Source 9p.