ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 149 of 279

Out of Character: That sounds good. I really - Page 149 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 20th Dec, 2015 - 1:15pm

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Pathfinder RPG This Scenario is a continuation from here: ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue. Only those players with APPROVED Characters can Post in this Thread.
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18th Dec, 2015 - 3:35pm / Post ID: #
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ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 149

Game Master says...

Archival 20th

As Caelum approaches and greets them the men reach for their bows. "Who and what are you? How much did you hear?" Indeed the man in the center wears a silver stag skull amulet, hanging proudly on his chest from a piece of twine. "Why don't you stand right there and hand over your valuables?"

They are surprised as Caelum disappears and begin to run around looking for him. All three elementals burrow and begin moving towards their targets. The first comes out of the ground and slams the closest bandit, downing him in one blow. The bandits fumble for arrows and both completely miss in their surprise, but the leader keeps his cool and fires a second shot, hitting the elemental (4 damage).
The second elemental comes out of the ground, overpowering the other bandit as the first moves over to the leader and smashes him into the ground, unconscious.
The third elemental rises up out of the ground, looks around and shrugs.

Out of Character: Enjoy 470 XP for that easy encounter. It's half an hour before sundown, so Archival's fourth Mage Armour would be up.

Zork and Mykael 20th

Breakfast is oats with a mix of forest berries and nuts. Svetlana says, "I feel great today, despite Oleg being on his trip. Sometimes I need the space. I also get the whole bed to myself, so much more comfortable."

In the fort you see Svetlana working at a fast pace, but nothing particularly hard. Mostly cleaning, cooking, tending the stables and preparing seeds for Burke and Piter to sow. The rain leaks through the roofs sometimes, but she soon comes to fix them.

In the corridor of the guest house, Brother Haines is happy at Mykael's progress. "A jewel from the mud is often rough and uncut. I think you found the perfect analogy. And I will be your gemcutter."

He further explains, "Often our goddess chooses exemplary warriors to carry more than just a sword. They carry the weight of the church and the whole world. And they swear by the following code:"
"I will learn the weight of my sword. Without my heart to guide it, it is worthless—my strength is not in my sword, but in my heart. If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool. If I betray my heart, I have died.
I will have faith in the Inheritor. I will channel her strength through my body. I will shine in her legion, and I will not tarnish her glory through base actions.
I am the first into battle, and the last to leave it.
I will not be taken prisoner by my free will. I will not surrender those under my command.
I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given.
I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought and deed, and I will have faith in them.
When in doubt, I may force my enemies to surrender, but I am responsible for their lives.
I will never refuse a challenge from an equal. I will give honor to worthy enemies, and contempt to the rest.
I will suffer death before dishonor.
I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my behavior. I will strive to emulate Iomedae’s perfection."

"Remember them well and keep these laws sacred. Iomedae holds you to a higher standard than other clerics. Do read the Acts of Iomedae, oh, and try not to lie if you can avoid it."
He brings out the breastplate and longsword with Iomedae's symbols embossed, and then removes his own holy symbol, wooden, but painted with gold and silver to make a sun and sword. "I cannot return these anymore. As our newest paladin, it would honour me if you wore them with pride."

Zork is there to witness these rituals and is possibly confused or dismissive, and can't help but feel a pang of jealousy as the breastplate and sword transfer ownership.

At lunchtime, after working in the rainy fields, Svetlana is accepting enough to allow the two prisoners and Mykael a warm bath in her house. Kesten still keeps a close watch on the two. All eat in her dining room bringing extra chairs and even barrels to sit on.

Brother Haines says grace and Mykael also gestures and mumbles some words nobody else understands. Mykael senses no ill will from anyone seated around the table.

Theaton 18th

The Grig smiles and says, "I am Tyg-Titter-Tut. It's a real pleasure to finally talk to you out in the open without the others." She leads the way into the forest and down to the river. She moves in quick bursts of flight up in the low hanging branches, looking back to Theaton and smiling.

When ypu reach the riverr she flies over it, gossamer wings whirring as she hovers over the center. She calls out to Bal, but returns and says she's nowhere in sight. That's to be expected with such a long river, she could be anywhere. So Tyg-Titter-Tut leads Theaton north along the river, humming tunes and smiling, looking at Theaton and sighing, and flying above the river to find Bal. Theaton sees the fish in the river are plentiful.

At midday a downpour starts, grounding Tyg and slowing progress. It looks like it'll continue for more than 2 days (Predict weather with Survival). Soon enough night falls and Tyg complains her frail legs and wings are getting tired. Despite that she offers to play Theaton a song. She looks so keen that if refused she would break down.

Out of Character: Also it will take a Will save to avoid dancing along, but you can choose to fail.

Grogdrol on 21st

The fields are being cleared of the monstrous spiders and Svetlana is thankful that the most arable land is now good for planting. But there are still the last few areas left to clear and every last one has to be hunted down to prevent their return. Gain a further 600 XP.

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Post Date: 18th Dec, 2015 - 4:27pm / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

I ride up and begin to pantomime digging a hole for the bodies to the small earth elementals. I then search the bodies and strip them of all valuables, including the stag-skull amulets. When the hole is sufficiently deep and wide, I roll the bodies into the grave and pantomime covering it up with the moved dirt. Afterwards, I resummon Caelum and cast Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon on him to start healing up his reduced hit points. While risky, I will not willingly leave Caelum at risk due to reduced hit points. “Good work Caelum. Let us ride a bit further and search for a place to setup camp.”

18th Dec, 2015 - 9:13pm / Post ID: #
Mykael Brewmor
Fighter3 Paladin3
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ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Ignoble says...

"I am glad to hear that you are doing well" Mykael tells Svetlana and engages in some light harted conversation with her but doesn't want to keep her from her duties so he thanks her for the meal before excusing himself.

In the corridor meeting with Brother Haines Mykael repeats the code and throughout the day will repeat it to himself trying to commit the code to memory. He repeats this code as a prayer before meals, when the sun rises in the morning and when the sun sets at night. Mykael graciously accepts the breast plate, symbol and sword from Brother Haines "I will wield these with great pride and in the name of Iomedae, as her servant" he tells Haines "And I will carry the light of her justice into the darkness."

He explains to Brother Haines that he has read the Acts of Iomedae once or twice but he does not have regular access to them; he will speak with Oleg about obtaining them so that he may study them further when Oleg returns.

Mykael will go to his room, take off the chain mail armor and removes his sword from the scabbard. He then dons the breastplate, and sheathes the sword with Iomedae's symbol on it. He takes his old sword to the chest that is in Olegs store room and places the sword carefully on top of the armor that is already there. After this he finds Zork and offers him the chain mail armor.

"You may need to have it fitted" he tells him as he holds it out to Zork "Or you may sell it and keep the coin if you like" but he says little else for fear of opening old wounds. If Zork doesn't accept the armor Mykael will sell it.

Mykael thanks Svetlana for allowing him and the two men the use of the bath and gives her a gold piece in appreciation.

19th Dec, 2015 - 2:20am / Post ID: #
Zork II
Fighter Level 6
Loner / Middle Front
Character Sheet Lock
Retired Retired

Page 149 Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

The Second says...

Zork is encouraged by Mykael's offer but does not accept. "Put the cost of it to the party's stash. I am taking a different approach to battle and will soon show that the next time we meet an enemy. I am just waiting for my new companion to arrive."

Post Date: 19th Dec, 2015 - 3:31am / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

Theaton enjoys the nice ride with Tyg-Titter-Tut and White Fang. He will catch some fish from the river with white fangs help to cook for supper tonight. When she complains that her legs and wings are tired he will offer her his shoulder for her to sit upon and he will carry her. Once they stop for the night he gladly listen to her play and will dance along to her music.

20th Dec, 2015 - 9:57am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land

Game Master says...

Archival 19th

The bodies have 2 longbows, 3 Short swords and 3 sets of Leather Armor. Additionally the leader carried his silver stag amulet, 2 bottles of vodka and a composite longbow [+1 Strength]. There was also a total of 55 gold collected and a bunch of rations.

As you search, you notice all of them are still breathing and their hearts still beat. All three are in a stable condition but they will definitely be a risk and slow your journey back to Oleg's. They will most likely come to before the morning, but still be injured.

Zork, Mykael and Grogdrol 21st

Mykael's training continues indoors as the rain keeps pouring. Zork is allowed to sit and watch the lessons, and there isn't much else to do without getting wet.

Brother Haines leads a lecture (With more detail than I provide) on 'The Last Azlanti', Aroden, a god who died over a century ago. After the Starstone fell from space, the Azlanti empire perished and the world of Golarion experienced an age of darkness. Aroden survived and lived to become a great example for human civilization, raising the Starstone from the sea and by its power ascending to godhood.

Iomedae was a devout follower of his, living almost a thousand years ago and fighting Tar-Baphon the Whispering Tyrant and his undead armies. But the brother interjects that he will skip over this and teach of the undead the next day. She performed miracles while alive and also undertook the test of the Starstone, ascending to godhood. Aroden chose her as a herald, replacing Arazni who had recently been slain by Tar-Baphon.

Grogdrol comes into the room after a day of work and asks questions to catch the general gist of what was taught before, while the brother hides his annoyance at having to repeat himself.

Aroden was prophesied to return in 4606 AR, but instead all of his clerics were cut off from his power. Storms wracked the planet and civil war broke out broke out in Cheliax. All forms of prophecy died, taking the life of oracles, seers and witches with it, and the Worldwound opened spewing forth demons. In the end, a permanent hurricane called the Eye of Abendago remained west of the Inner Sea and the new Queen Abrogail in Cheliax won only due to a pact with devils, but the empire was divided.

Aroden's worshippers turned to Iomedae and she continued his legacy, earning her the name 'The Inheritor'. In the century since, her knights have served on the longest crusade ever, stemming the tide of demons emerging from the Worldwound.

Brother Haines closes the lecture by mentioning the topic tomorrow will be the abomination of necromancy and opening the floor to any questions. Looking out the window it's already night and the dinner is getting cold.

Theaton 19th & 20th

The Grig's amazing ability to rub her hind legs together to play tunes just like a fiddler. After a night of dancing, all have a good rest under a makeshift shelter to avoid the incessant rain.

The next morning travel continues with Tyg-Titter-Tut continuing to call out for Bal. As the second day comes to a close, on the far riverbank you witness a Grizzly Bear fight a creature about the size of a wolf, but with the slender build of a cat, heavy whiskers, and dark stripes down its back. Theaton identifies the Brush Thylacine, a rare animal, as the bear overpowers it and defends its territory. The Thylacine runs away, yapping loudly.

This whole time Tyg has been turned around, unwilling to witness such violence but later admitting its a part of nature. She's glad the bear wasn't on this side of the river.

The morning after Tyg doesn't want fish, deciding she prefers the plants, not just berries and nuts, but whole flowers, leaves and grasses too. Travel continues upriver and in the afternoon it curves around to the south and finally reaches a gushing spring at the river's source. However there's not sign of the nixie.

Tyg says, "You haven't been here yet, you might want to add it to your drawing. Then we can start travelling back downriver! I love spending this time with you!"

Out of Character: KNtoran and KenGorbutt check the update I wrote at the bottom of page 29 in the character thread.

Zork, at 10 000 you had enough XP to level up to level 5. I found an archetype for the Cavalier class that is good at training multiple pets if you're interested. It's called the Huntmaster.

Reconcile Edited: iCon on 20th Dec, 2015 - 9:59am

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Post Date: 20th Dec, 2015 - 12:18pm / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 149

I deliver the killing blow to each of them and continue burying them. Bandits are dealt with by sword, rope, or spell - as per the charter's instructions. Taking the three of them back to Oleg's is not a realistic option since I am by myself and neither is leaving them here to threaten others. I continue my treck to Oleg's after collecting the bounty until I have to setup camp for the night.

Reconcile Edited: Diarmadhim on 20th Dec, 2015 - 12:25pm

20th Dec, 2015 - 1:15pm / Post ID: #
Zork II
Fighter Level 6
Loner / Middle Front
Character Sheet Lock
Retired Retired

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 149

The Second says...

Out of Character: That sounds good. I really had the leveling up part. I will post in the character topic for help.

Zork looks on and listens enjoying the 'holiday' rest period picking up bit here and there from learning.

> TOPIC: ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land


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