ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 150 of 279

"Hi there Mykael! A pleasure - Page 150 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 23rd Dec, 2015 - 8:03am

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Pathfinder RPG This Scenario is a continuation from here: ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue. Only those players with APPROVED Characters can Post in this Thread.
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21st Dec, 2015 - 2:11pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 150

Game Master says...

Archival 21st & 22nd (19th was a mistake, sorry)

You awake later than you hoped. The previous day of pushing yourself and the horse was tiring and the energy used in summoning for combat just made it worse. Midnight travels slow for the first hour, but soon picks up the pace. At the very least the constant rain is refreshing despite fingers pruning.

By night you believe you must be close to Oleg's but it's too dark to continue travelling.

The next day starts with a heavy fog, followed by yet more rain. After packing and getting approximate bearings, you head off. Eventually you hit a road running north-south, it looks like you overshot the target. This must be the road north of Oleg's and after a ten minute trip, the fort comes into Caelum's view, then yours.

Archival missed breakfast, but after brief introductions catches most of the lecture presented by the Iomedaean priest.

Zork, Mykael 22nd

Brother Haines begins this day by explaining necromancy is a school of magic, like any other. There is no inherent evil in manipulating the forces of death and life. Even Pharasma, the neutral goddess of death and birth, has necromancers as worshippers but strictly ones who do not raise undead. It is when souls are bound against their will that necromancy becomes evil.

He continues with the general anatomy of all undead. They are powered entirely by negative energy, granting them immunity to most ailments living beings suffer from. They are completely immune to non-lethal damage, bleeding, diseases, poisons, and even magics causing paralysis, sleep and ability or energy drain. The brother goes into depth about each effect and theories explaining them.

Archival walks in and is briefly introduced to the brother, but is hushed so the lecture can continue.

Continuing on, you learn that there are mindless undead creatures but also intelligent ones. Both are immune to mind-affecting spells as the clerics of the world's good religions cannot (Ore dare not) decipher the ways undead think. Zombies and skeletons are of the mindless kind, vampires and liches are intelligent and formidable opponents, able to attain more power through unlife.

Zombies are defeated by cutting and slashing its flesh until the animating force is spent, while skeleton bones need to be broken up by bludgeoning. All undead are susceptible to positive energy, and holy water is also recommended as a cheap way to hurt them.

Lunch is served and there is probably much to discuss between the residents of the fort. Also, Zork's order of basic chain for his horse arrives from Restov, along with more supplies brought by Vekkel. (A chain shirt grants +4 AC to the horse).

Grogdrol 22nd

There aren't many spiders left, making the hunt less about combat and more about searching and tracking. Grogdrol kills the last few in the fields and expands the kill zone to prevent their return.

The dwarf returns to the fort by lunchtime to see Archival returned.

You levelled up again at 3300 XP, so you gain 800 this time.

Theaton 20th, 21st, 22nd

After a thorough search around the spring, there are no signs of a nixie walking around recently. There are more tracks of animals coming to take a drink. Finding a safe spot, you camp for the night.

Tyg wakes you up with a small splash of water, flying up to the low branches to get out of your reach. "We have to get moving to find Bal!" she shouts.

Covering the opposite side of the river is still a slog through the rain. For a whole two days there is no sign of Bal. On the second day you camp at the familiar ford across the river.

I need perception checks as you continue.

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Post Date: 21st Dec, 2015 - 9:30pm / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

Theaton smiles up at Tyg after she woke him up. "You are right we need to keep moving. White Fang can you roam and scout ahead? Find yourself some food while you can out there too."
Turning back to Tyg, "You want to ride on my shoulder as we travel today? No need to tire yourself out if you do not need to."

Post Date: 21st Dec, 2015 - 11:00pm / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land Archive Pathfinder / D&D

After announcing my return, I do not stick around for the lecture - especially after being hushed. Instead, I politely excuse myself and go tend to Midnight in the stables. After, I gather my belongings and head toward the fields to help out with the continued effort of removing the spiders to enable a proper planting. I stride out, determined to aid in the effort to clear the fields and allow Piter and Burke to continue their rehabilitation.

21st Dec, 2015 - 11:34pm / Post ID: #
Zork II
Fighter Level 6
Loner / Middle Front
Character Sheet Lock
Retired Retired

Page 150 Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

The Second says...

Zork is delighted to see his horse well equipped. He learns how to dress him with the armor and then shows the horse around the fort.

During the day his mind falls on the lesson and the undead. He thinks about the ways they need to be attacked and considers getting some holy water. He inquires about it from the lady of the fort.

22nd Dec, 2015 - 6:19pm / Post ID: #
Mykael Brewmor
Fighter3 Paladin3
Novice / Right Fwd. Flank
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Active Player Active Role-player!

Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

Ignoble says...

Mykael listens to the lecture intently and offers thanks to Brother Haines for providing them with the information. He asks Brother Haines where would be the best/most convenient place to find holy water. After the lecture and lunch Mykael will join Archival and as they work together on clearing the fields he tells Archival about his experiences the past few days and how he has been brought into the Church of Iomedae by Brother Haines.

Mykael asks Archival what he has been up to and what sort of adventures he's gotten himself into. "It would seem Piter and Burke are doing well" he says as he gathers up the remains of the few remaining spider and tosses them into a pile to be burned or otherwise disposed of, "Thank you for your help in funding their rehabilitation. I am optimistic about the progress they seem to have made so far."

23rd Dec, 2015 - 12:40am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land

Game Master says...

Theaton 22nd

Tyg takes the offer to rest on your shoulder, giddy with happiness and whispering how much she enjoys being so close to you.
White fang hunts well, collecting enough meat for himself only from the bounty of rabbits, squirrels and other rodents.

At the ford there are a set of footprints. They head towards the rows of sprouting oak acorns, walking around, then heading off deeper into the forest. There, you come across the same nixie, looking like an elf child with hair of seaweed, webbed fingers and toes and clothes of leaves. She's completely distracted by a group of brightly coloured frogs she is following.

"Bal!" Tyg shouts.
She spins and replies "Tyg!". Then says something in Sylvan to Theaton.
Tyg translates, "She called you 'nice elf'. Sounds like you've met."

All others 22nd

Both Svetlana and Br Haines have holy water available for sale. The price of each flask is actually set by law to be 25 gold, though that doesn't stop the brother for asking for additional donations.

With a team effort you're able to search the perimeter of the fields thoroughly, preventing the spiders from repopulating the area. Burke and Piter work the field that was just cleared under Kesten's watchful eye. Brother Haines follows and is impressed by Mykael's performance. Archival (Almost full-day) 1200 XP, Mykael (Half-day) 600 XP. Grogdrol already received his for the 22nd.

The night's dinner is a small portion of roast duck, buckwheat and leafy greens. Worried if people are still hungry, Svetlana offers some of the cured meats from storage. Talk continues as ale flows, the brother telling tales of the undead he has faced before in old crypts. Some are also curious about Archival and where he went.

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Post Date: 23rd Dec, 2015 - 2:30am / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 150

Theaton replies back to Tyg, "Yes, I helped her plant a few of these trees so that she did not have to do all the work herself. Now that we have found her you can ask her about any issues she has with where her river goes that myself and my partners can help with getting rid of. Maybe you can teach me some of the language she and you speak so I can communicate better with both of you."

Post Date: 23rd Dec, 2015 - 8:03am / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 150

"Hi there Mykael! A pleasure to have your company, as always," I call in greeting. I listen intently and smile as he relates his experiences over the past few days. When he discloses that he is now a member of the church I beam and pat him on the back. "Congratulations! It doesn't come as much of a surprise to me though. I knew after the duel when Iomedae's blade landed hilt toward you and the blade pointing South that you were being called to take it up and search bring the Stag Lord to justice in that region. I said as much at the time," I state, grinning at the fact I was finally proven correct.

"I do not doubt we will be heading that way soon," transitioning to address Mykael's question I continue, "While exploring the surrounding area I was accosted by a few bandits. They wore the symbol of the Stag Lord," I share, pulling out the silver stag amulet. "Caelum saw three figures trudging in the rain apparently searching for something. I sent him forward to scout them out, prepared to offer my assistance if they were scouts. As they attempted to rob him he spotted the amulet. Sadly, having been alone, they shared the fate of Piter and Burke's former associates instead of having the same opportunity of potential reformation. Caelum and I buried them and returned here. Yes, Piter and Burke certainly do seem to be doing well. It is refreshing to see that our shared penchant for mercy when possible has saved at least two lives during our time in these lands."

After searching the perimeter of the fields thoroughly, I move to assist and converse with Burke and Piter. Mainly small talk, but also encouraging them on their continued hard work. "Before I headed out for a few days I asked Oleg to purchase those books you gentlemen requested. If there is ever anything else you would like, please do not hesitate to inform me. I have spent time isolated from others in the past, though due to circumstances slightly different from your own," I state winking and gently grinning. "I understand how lonely it can be. I want to provide you men with all the tools necessary to allow you to continue living a good and just life."

"Hi there Mykael! A pleasure to have your company, as always," I call in greeting. I listen intently and smile as he relates his experiences over the past few days. When he discloses that he is now a member of the church I beam and pat him on the back. "Congratulations! It doesn't come as much of a surprise to me though. I knew after the duel when Iomedae's blade landed hilt toward you and the blade pointing South that you were being called to take it up and search bring the Stag Lord to justice in that region. I said as much at the time," I state, grinning self-assuredly at the fact I was proven correct.

"I do not doubt we will be heading that way soon," transitioning to address Mykael's question I continue, "I went to gather what knowledge I could from that barbarian cairn we ran across earlier. With the prospect affecting your and Zork's sensibilities, I figured I would wait until we had some downtime. That way I could garner what information was available without requiring you go against your personal principles. Apparently the region's inhabitants might have known a technique allowing them to fight with a two-handed spear and shield. I plan to write a treatise about it and have it delivered to the Chief Surveyor! On the return trip, Caelum and I were accosted by a few bandits. They wore the symbol of the Stag Lord," I share, pulling out the silver stag amulet. "Caelum saw three figures trudging in the rain apparently searching for something. I sent him forward to scout them out, prepared to offer my assistance if they were scouts. As they attempted to rob him he spotted the amulet. Sadly, having been alone, they shared the fate of Piter and Burke's former associates instead of having the same opportunity of potential reformation. Caelum and I buried them and returned here. Yes, Piter and Burke certainly do seem to be doing well. It is refreshing to see that our shared penchant for mercy when possible has saved at least two lives during our time in these lands."

After searching the perimeter of the fields thoroughly, I move to assist and converse with Burke and Piter. Mainly small talk, but also encouraging them on their continued hard work. "Before I headed out for a few days I asked Oleg to purchase those books you gentlemen requested. If there is ever anything else you would like, please do not hesitate to inform me. I have spent time isolated from others in the past, though due to circumstances slightly different from your own," I state winking and gently grinning. "I understand how lonely it can be. I want to provide you men with all the tools necessary to allow you to continue living a good and just life."

At dinner I thankfully eat what is offered and even share in a mug of ale. "This is delicious, as always Svetlana! Having ridden in the rain for the past few days and eating just rations, I must admit I was longing for one of your home-cooked meals!" I question the brother on the undead he faced, attempting to learn what I can from someone that has had experience with such matters. After, I share what information we have gathered about werewolfves in case he has never experienced such a threat, stating, “knowledge should be freely shared whenever possible. Thank you for what you have told us. I will be sure to write it down and commit it to memory.”

When questioned on where I went I explain, "I was curious about the surrounding area and wanted a bit of time to myself to explore the region, ponder recent events, and learn what I could. Apparently the previous inhabitants might have known a now lost fighting technique. I plan to write a treatise on it and have it delivered to the Chief Surveyor!

> TOPIC: ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land


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