ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 243 of 279

Mykael thanks Hegin and pauses for a moment - Page 243 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 17th Aug, 2016 - 9:46pm

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Post Date: 15th Aug, 2016 - 3:00pm / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 243

Out of Character: Some of those trinkets could be beneficial to us as a group. I hope that if we can use them that you do not sale them. But if cursed we do need to get rid of them.

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16th Aug, 2016 - 4:48am / Post ID: #
Mykael Brewmor
Fighter3 Paladin3
Novice / Right Fwd. Flank
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Active Player Active Role-player!

Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

Ignoble says...

"Well met Hegin Krembua. My name is Mykael Brewmore" Mykael replies with a smile and a nod,"While I am blessed by the goddess to be among her holy warriors, I have not yet made a crusade to the World Wound."

Looking around Mykael takes in his simple surroundings and looks for some sort of donation box for him to place his 60gp offering in. After making his donation he continues "I am actually here to see if you have ever heard of a crusader by the name of Akiros?" Mykael explains to the gnome about the charter, the assault on the fortress and the prisoners.

16th Aug, 2016 - 5:07pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Game Master says...

Archival steps back with a word and gesture, fading from sight.
The elemental pummels the wolf and it drops with a crack of bone.
Yarrow waits for a second to see who to target.
Caelum strikes out in self defence for the first time on this plane. His slash is effective, deeply wounding the wolf's foreleg (Wolf 9 damage).
Choosing his target, Yarrow blasts the wolf in front of Caelum with a jet of water, pushing it back 10 feet.

As the wolf tries to run forwards it is slowed by the grease but still attacks the elemental. Both wolves' attacks are ineffective, biting at thick hide but not penetrating. However, you see three wolves splash through the river 60' behind you and two emerge the same distance to the front, dripping with water.

Midnight keeps kicking back, hitting again with a hoof, dazing the wolf (Wolf 6 damage). It looks to be on its last legs.

Out of Character: Don't worry, I'm experienced enough to know how to roll a d3, but not experienced enough to remember that primary attacks are at full strength (I did get the bonus right though!). I should have checked your sheet instead of the Bestiary. It should have been (Wolf 7 damage) instead.

Theaton finds a few smiths dotted around town. In the northeast slums the quality is poorer, so Theaton heads northwest, past the archery practice in the town square where the crowds seem to be swelling as it gets later in the day.

The first smith and his apprentices are forging spearheads in a production line, a few piles of them strewn around the room. He's too busy filling an order for the army levies, so he points you to the next smith. However, that one is also busy, forging recognisable Aldori dueling swords with its distinct curve. He is also making them for the military.

Finally you come to a variety store run by an old retired adventurer. The front of the shop contains mundane camping and adventuring gear; rope, tents, bags and the like. He leads you through a doorway draped with clinking metal beads and into his armory and remainder of his collection.

He first takes you over to the weapons on display as a glinting bow catches your eye. He explains that it lights up targets for your allies as a +1 Limning Longbow. Beside it is a simple, wooden +2 Lance leaning in the corner from floor to ceiling. He spins a tale of dwarves and vikings in the snowy mountains of the northwest as he shows you a +1 Keen Dwarven waraxe and a +1 Greataxe of Frost. Each of the weapons sells for 8000 gold - a small discount for accounting simplicity.

He brings you to the next section - cloaks on a coat-rack. There are the Cloak of the Hedge Wizard (Neromancy) - lets anyone cast a few spells - for 2500, Comfort's Cloak - a ranger's best friend which grants general hardiness - for 15600, and Cloak of the Manta Ray - very useful in water - for 7200. The other wearable in the room is a pair of Pliant Gloves worth 10000, which make your limbs rubbery on command. All of these are full price.

The consumables include a Wand of Flame Strike with its last charge remaining for 420, a Poison Popcushion for 700 and 2 scrolls - Dimension Door for 700 and Waves of Fatugue for 1125. A display case contains a variety of potions, the strongest of which are Bear's Endurance, Nondetection, Heroism, Keen Edge, and Greater Magic Fang +4, all available at 5% off normal price.

He comes to the final section, a table with a few magical compasses on it. He looks at you intently as he explains these are Wayfinders and they can shed light as well as having a slot for an Ioun Stone. "But where are the stones?" He asks rhetorically. Then, he opens a hidden catch and raises the tabletop to reveal that it's actually a lead-lined case. But more important is the large collection of gems of various shapes, colour and qualities. Whichever you pick of value 5000 or less, there is probably an Ioun Stone or two of that kind in here. There is even a platinum torc with 5 slots that hides the stone's properties until you command, valued at 1800.

Zork slides over 70 gold to get the items tested more thoroughly. Kesten also comes up and adds the Stag's Helm and leather armor to check.

The wizard breathes in sharply and begins a more involved ritual, waving his hands over the items, but the whole process takes just two minutes. At the end he simply says, "I can say with a very high degree of confidence that these items are not cursed. In fact that Stag's Helm is a minor holy relic."

"HA!" Kesten points at Zork, "And you were worried that I'd turn into the Stag Lord!"
He removes his chain coif and dons the stag skull, "Must kill and steal!" he moves his arms about in a caricature. Taking it back off he says, "Well, that's amazing. It doesn't obscure my vision at all. I think I could even see and hear better!"

The wizard then answers Zork's next question with, "Every wizard worth his salt knows how to scribe a magical scroll." He mutters a side note, "Not like those stupid Society wizards." Returning to his grandiose, nasal tone he continues, "I have references in this library to almost every wizardly spell in the level 4 category. That even includes some unsavoury spells kept under lock and key."

"Give me just a day and I will be able to write you a scroll. The question remains… Do you know how to read arcane script and use a magical scroll?"

Out of Character: I mentioned 5 items, but I can see they were obscured by exposition. They're all on the GM character sheet, but for clarity here:
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2
Potion of Lesser Restoration
+1 Longsword
+1 Magical-Beast Bane arrows (3)
I lied about the spell cost of Identify. After rereading it's actually 10 gold per item, in groups of 7 because he's a 7th level wizard. Sorry!

The collection basket has a few copper and silver as well as a button. Hegin is delighted when Mykael adds a small mound of gold. "Thank you so much! Every piece will go to renovating this place."

After pondering the name for some time, he eventually shakes his head 'no'. When you explain the story to him he begins by praising you a hero of the people, but his mood turns somber towards the end. "Quite a conundrum I see, and he didn't appear as evil to your attuned senses…
"As I have grown older my arms have weakened, but my mind has sharpened. See if you can bring him to me so I may cast my own divine divinations upon him and try to ensure he answers me truthfully. If I must go to see him, so be it, but I would prefer… " He looks down at his crutch.

"Do you have any more questions? Or perhaps you would like to pray?"

16th Aug, 2016 - 7:40pm / Post ID: #
Zork II
Fighter Level 6
Loner / Middle Front
Character Sheet Lock
Retired Retired

Page 243 Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

The Second says...

Zork, amazed and confused by it all, says "No" when asked about his abilities. He sighs and asks, "What will it take to read such or can any be cast on me through the reading of another?"

Out of Character: So amulet does nothing but is religious and tunes my senses? How does that translate?

16th Aug, 2016 - 8:31pm / Post ID: #
Mykael Brewmor
Fighter3 Paladin3
Novice / Right Fwd. Flank
Character Sheet Lock
Active Player Active Role-player!

Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

Ignoble says...

"Of course I would be happy to take a moment and pray, after which I will attempt to bring Akiros here. I did not sense any evil in the man, that is true, but his actions while in the employ of the Stag Lord certainly cried out for justice and I feel that he was responsible for a good deal of evil perpetrated against the people of the land whether that be directly or indirectly. Still, I I would hate to see a former Paladin condemned to death or dismemberment without allowing him the opportunity to repent and atone for his crimes."

Mykael pauses thoughtfully, "At least, I would hope that someone may afford me the same opportunity were I to ever fall from the grace of our goddess; though I pray that never happens. Akiros is currently in custody though and the guard may not wish to release him back to me, but if they do I will bring him to you."

Out of Character: : Just a note, Akiros' sword should be with Mykael; I "Claimed" it back on page 238, and stated that Mykael took Akiros' sword and then placed his old sword (The one with the symbol of the goddess on it) in a sheath and kept it with his horse.

Post Date: 16th Aug, 2016 - 10:29pm / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land

Theaton thanks the man for showing him what he has but he will pass for now. HE needs to come up with more money. Theaton will head out and start looking for a place to spend the night a inn that will allow him to rent a room and have White Fang with him.

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17th Aug, 2016 - 4:38pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 243

Game Master says...

"It takes quite a bit of study for a wizard," he answers, "But seems to come naturally to sorcerers. Even the thieves' guilds teaches some of their members the techniques to use magic devices.
"If you know a wizard, or other spellcaster of arcane spells, he would be able to cast protective spells. Resist Energy is always a popular choice, perhaps Protection from Arrows?"

Out of Character: Archival would be able to use a scroll to cast any spell on the Summoner spell list. Some of those spells are also wizard spells, it says so in the spell description.

The abilities you mentioned are from the Stag's Helm. It is headgear that is better for Erastil's faithful and enhances senses, also allowing for an insightful shot ability. As a wondrous item, you should be able to search for it.

The amulet is an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 which, to no surprise, increases natural armor (I.e. Skin) by 1.

"Yes, very difficult to decide what to do," Hegin admits. "Some of the town's trials are hardly just and we wouldn't want to see a brother-in-arms treated badly or killed, even if he was a lost brother. On the other hand, us paladins must keep up our righteous appearance and assure everyone we are a force for good that they can count on."

Out of Character: Yes, I know, except I thought it might have been the other way around (That you held onto the sword with the symbol). I wanted to get all the items identified at once and didn't want to bore you. You can either believe that Mykael was up there with the wizard first, then came to the chapel, or it's Mykael's first miracle of bilocation.

After a short jaunt, you come across what looks like a tavern with an open window at the front, but turns out to be both a brewery and a mixed church of Torag, a dwarven deity, and Cayden Cailean, the accidental god and patron of adventurers and the alcohol industry. Inside is decorated as a tavern, with wooden furniture and a small forge in the back, and about half the patrons here are dwarves. The only feature that gives it away as a place of worship is the wooden altar at the far end. Not even the armored clergy stand out unless you specifically look for those wearing grey and gold or tan and silver.

As an adventurer deity, the priests of Cayden understand your need for a strong companion and accommodate your wolf with a bowl of meat scraps and bones. However, does Theaton succumb to the peer pressure and drink for too much? Can he handle his drink?

Out of Character: Include a Fortitude save if you do.

17th Aug, 2016 - 9:46pm / Post ID: #
Mykael Brewmor
Fighter3 Paladin3
Novice / Right Fwd. Flank
Character Sheet Lock
Active Player Active Role-player!

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 243

Ignoble says...

Mykael thanks Hegin and pauses for a moment at the altar where he prays and meditates for a few minutes and then leaves the Temple making his way back to the place where Akiros and the other bandits are being held. Once he arrives he explains to the guard that he is a member of the party that captured the bandits and brought them to Restov to face justice. He asks to speak with the one named Akiros. Not hiding his intentions, Mykael asks who he needs to speak to about having Akiros released back to his custody for a brief time so that he may take him to Iomadae's temple for questioning.

> TOPIC: ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land


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