Shivas wakes Theaton and quietly alerts him to the unknown danger out from their camp. She knocks an arrow and watches the direction carefully. "Who goes there? Make yourself known or be fired upon!" She warns. If the creature or person should look to be attacking, and not make itself known, she will fire.
Out of Character::
If needed Attack: 11, 4, 10
Damage:2, 1, 1
Theaton comes awake with a start and rolls over and away from the fire and Shivas. As she calls out to who ever it is he is pulling his bow as he gets in a kneeling position facing the danger and get a arrow at the ready. He will look for a target. But not fire yet.
If hostile move is made towards them he will shoot at lead creature.
Out of Character: Attack roll 12, 16 Damage 4 5
Shivas shouts into the night. Both of you hear no reply, just for rustle of undergrowth followed by a few sets of hooves galloping into the distance.
Even waiting for a few minutes you hear no sound but nature, the only proof of the creatures are cloven hoofprints at 300 feet from the campsite. Theaton can identify they come from a large and two medium sized creatures and the print reminds him of deer tracks.
Sunday 10 Pharast
The night passes and the creature bothers you no more. The morning is foggy and freezing cold. There is a thin layer of wet snow on the ground and more snow falls amid sprinklings of rain. Shivas is prepared, Theaton tries to tough it out (Taking 4 nonlethal damage, which heals in a few hours). The weather also affects both horses, but not to a high degree.
The rain continues through the night, Theaton's constructed shelter doing a good job for the party, albeit cramped. The horses manage themselves under a particularly dense tree.
Moonday 11 Pharast
The morning is wet and travel is annoying through the mud of the forest floor, for your horses at least. You cover miles of forest terrain, mapping particularly large trees and hills. Thankfully, the rain ends early afternoon and the sun warms all.
Toilday 12 Pharast
The wind blows strong through the canopy leaves on this clear day. The trees bend and groan releasing an eerie sound.
Everyone is relieved when they begin to see familiar sights. You believe you are near the bandit camp you cleared before. At the camp you remember the broken cart full of crates of furs.
Approaching the camp feels different to how you left it. Unlike last time, wildlife can be heard chirping in trees and scurrying among the leaf litter. All signs of battle, the upturned earth and blood, had been washed away by the weather; in the short time, the camp had been reclaimed by nature.
The cart stands half-repaired and untouched. Rain stands collected in the canvas on top of the three crates. They are full of fur and skins as they were before.
Out of Character: Sorry for the unexplained lack of posts. I needed a break and felt we all needed one. Also I felt I couldn't make the scene exciting enough on my first attempt.
Theaton will double check the area around to make sure there is no one around before he starts to transfer the crates to his horse. Once he has them transferred he will look towards Shivas. "Are we ready to head back to the trading post?"
Theaton only sees faint traces of old tracks. Nobody has passed through and the larger fauna has not yet reclaimed the area, but the occasional squirrel, lizard and rabbit are seen.
The crates are bulky and unwieldy, as such Theaton has to give up his seat so the horse can bear two loads, with far too much rope used to secure it so it doesn't fall. Shivas only has one crate, but it causes an uncomfortable seat and she decides to walk too. She nods that she is ready to go.