Zork pushes himself a bit too hard, becoming Fatigued and taking 4 nonlethal damage.
As Theaton approaches in the lead, he sees a goblin sitting in one of the ruined buildings. With a quick glance you can tell it has dark brown skin and one hand bandaged, and it hasn't spotted you yet.
Theaton will take out his bow and shoot the goblin. HE is not taking a chance with it at all.
Out of Character: Attack rolls 12 +6 = 18, 17 + 6 = 23, 7+6 = 13, 16 +6 = 22. Theaton is not using his feat this time. Damage form attacks 6, 3, 5, 6
The first arrow strikes the goblin, causing a bloody mess. The goblin reacts fast, but not before the second arrow hits. It retreats behind a low wall screaming something in the goblin language. From experience, Theaton can tell this goblin is tougher than an average one.
From your vantage point 90 feet away you see the two buildings are approximately 30 by 30 feet. The closer one is more run down with wooden beams in the north-east corner (You are coming from the south). You can see the beams because the south-east corner is demolished, the other walls are mostly intact. The goblin moved to the southwest corner, which is covered.
If you need me to clarify the scene, I can draw up a map.
"Oh what the hell..." Says Zork as he charges the Goblin before it can do any more talking.
Out of Character: Long sword:(+5) 10, 11, 17, 6
Damage: (+3) 8, 11, 6, 4
Theaton will look at Zork and shake his head. "There could be more than just that one. He may have been the watch out. Lets proceed cautiously until we know how many there are."
Theaton proceeds with bow out and arrow notched ready to shoot quickly if he sees another goblin. We will advance on the buildings.
Theaton's warning doesn't prevent a Zork's advance. 1 round later Zork is 20 feet from the closer ruined building but still no sight of the goblin.
Theaton only moves 30, to 30 feet behind Zork. Both notice movement from the west side of the ruin. There is a hopping creature that looks like a disgusting flesh-tone toad, with two walrus-like tusks.
It isn't a goblin, so strictly speaking Theaton doesn't fire, however if you want to use the readied action you can.
You both hear shouting fromthe ruin in imperfect common, "Truce! Truce! Me truce!"