Out of Character: I will let Zork's saving throw succeed, because he became suspicious, and received a +2 bonus.
Perhaps I should have been less hasty and not have rolled for you.
In Character: Both explorers snap out of it, the effect she was trying to perform having failed. She puts on a melodramatic frown and drops her head and shoulders in shame, but still eyeing your reaction.
She shakes her head, not understanding either of you. She takes the opportunity to run past you towards the ford and then into the deeper water. If you let her do that, she will sink below the waterline, watching you with just her eyes and seaweed-like hair visible.
Zork waves to her with a smile making gestures that what she did is silly. He decides to check out what she was digging for by moving aside some of the dirt.
You see three shallow holes, 3 inches wide and deep. At the bottom of two of them lie acorns from an oak tree, the roots already beginning to sprout. The third isn't as deep and contains no seed.
Theaton has no trouble finding a stick strong enough to dig the packed earth. She continues to watch curiously.
Theaton will finish the hole she had started and once it is as deep as the others he will indicate to her to put a seed in it. He will look at the spacing of the holes and then start new hole with the same spacing. Once he has that done he will indicate for her to place another seed.