Zork picks up the acorn without problem and inspects it closely. It seems all natural with a few roots protruding from the cracked shell. There is no evidence of magical writing or runes, but to detect an aura one must use some kind of magical sight, or an identifying spell.
Theaton digs the hole and another four, when the nixie comes out of the river to join him. She holds a trowel full of mud, which she pours into the first two holes (After the acorn is replaced). She flashes Theaton an appreciative smile and opens a pouch with a few germinated acorns. She drops one into the new holes.
She points with her finger to draw an imaginary line beside the current row, indicating another row. Then she hands Theaton her trowel, making a digging motion.
She waves to get Zork's attention and points up towards the tree branches. There, among the canopy, are seeds of beech and oak, at various heights. The lowest hanging branches are just 15 feet high, but the canopy extends up to 90 feet.
Out of Character: Txtrpg, you can choose which height you want to risk climbing to, if at all, but climbing higher takes less time. Include plenty of Climb checks or Take 10 for an average roll which takes twice as long.
KNtoran, you can include Knowledge (Nature) checks to dig the right depth for the seed used and season.
That's also an important point, how long do you plan to help?
Zork looks up at the tree and pretends ignorance as though she is merely showing him the acorns as he wasn't going to risk his life over acorns for a stranger.
Theaton will assist in digging a few more holes for her using her trowel. We will assist her for another half hour before Theaton stands up and heads towards his horse. He will bow to her and smile before getting on his horse and then heading on to Oleg's.
The nixie decides to look for seeds and saplings in the leaf litter instead. Half an hour later she has found little and plants only 8 seeds and small plants, filling about a quarter of all the holes dug.
As Theaton takes his bow, she rushes forward and plants a kiss on his cheek. She turns to Zork and pokes her tongue out before running away to the river.
Out of Character: You know you're still about 17 hours from Oleg's, but you've got most of the day ahead of you. Will you Hustle for double speed and take an increasing amount of damage for each hour? Or Forced March, and do Constitution checks? Or perhaps just travel normally for two days and two hours on the third day?
You head mostly north making a few turns eastwards during the day. The wind howls above the canopy shaking the leaves. You pass by the clearing where Theaton fought kobolds and collected radishes a while back. The field is clear of enemies and a few radish leaves poke above the ground.
Considering the sun is rather low, the campsite is made and you can eat the radishes in addition to your rations and boar meat.
Fireday 25 Gozran
Zork, on second watch, is rested after the pranks didn't continue throughout the day and night. However, come morning he hears a call from above in a high pitched tone, "Wake up time!"
His gaze shoots straight up and he spots a creature that is the top half of thin elf girl with antennae showing through her white hair, and the bottom half of a cricket. He also notices the cupful of water coming down to splash on his face.
His face and chest are wet as the fey clicks her fingers and disappears! Theaton is also rudely awakened as he finds himself and new companion drenched in water.