ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 89 of 279

Mykael's heart thumps in his chest - Page 89 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 12th Aug, 2015 - 3:01am

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Pathfinder RPG This Scenario is a continuation from here: ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue. Only those players with APPROVED Characters can Post in this Thread.
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8th Aug, 2015 - 10:07pm / Post ID: #
Mykael Brewmor
Fighter3 Paladin3
Novice / Right Fwd. Flank
Character Sheet Lock
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ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 89

Ignoble says...

A smile plays across Mykael’s face as the prospect of combat becomes a reality; shield up he points his sword at the figure that shouted to the others and growls, “I’m going to take you apart piece by piece and enjoy every second of it!” Hoping to intimidate/demoralize his opponent (Per the intimidation skill); he will move forward trying to close the gap between him and the enemy as quickly as possible while trying to avoid the traps. He will utilize his shield as best he can for cover and as soon as he gets within range to strike with his sword he unleashes an assault on the figure (I will make the attack roll, but I’m assuming Mykael will not reach his opponent this round so I’m rolling it for the attack that will occur as soon as he is close enough to make one)

Mykael Brewmor Results:
  • Intimidate on D20 (+7): 22 (1 roll)
  • Attack on D20 (+7): 26 (1 roll)
  • Initiative on D20 (+4): 7 (1 roll)

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8th Aug, 2015 - 10:51pm / Post ID: #
Zork II
Fighter Level 6
Loner / Middle Front
Character Sheet Lock
Retired Retired

Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

The Second says...

Out of Character: Assuming its safe to do so Zork will charge the men. If [there] are traps between them and him he will await their arrival.

Zork II Results:
  • Initative on D20 (+1): 14 (1 roll + explode)
  • Longsword on D20 (+4): 17 (1 roll + explode)
  • Damage on D8 (+5): 6 (1 roll)

Post Date: 9th Aug, 2015 - 1:34pm / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Archival lies prone in order to reduce their chances to hit him with a ranged attack. "Caelum, go invisible and flank them!" He bluffs. Caelum disappears as Archival dismisses him.

Archival then uses his spell-like ability Summon Monster to summon a celestial eagle augmented with Augment Summoning, Summon Good Monster, and his trait that increases its Will by 1.

If an enemy is within 30 feet, the eagle will appear adjacent to said enemy, use Smite as a swift action, and then make all 3 of its attacks. If an enemy is further than 30 ft and less than 110 ft, it will appear 30 ft toward them, use Smite as a swift action, and then charge and attack once. If an enemy is further than 110 ft, it will double move to be adjacent to the enemy for the next round.

Out of Character: I will make the rolls for the eagle and post their stats again later (Heading to bed). Please let me know if these guys are evil so I know what to add to its rolls.

Post Date: 10th Aug, 2015 - 1:22am / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

Page 89 Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

Theaton will shake his head as he pulls his bow and loads it to take out these guys.

Out of Character: using the rapid shot feat so already took the -2 off my attack bonus with bow. But gives me extra attack per round.

10th Aug, 2015 - 9:42am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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Land Stolen Kingmaker Pathfinder ICon

Game Master says...

Theaton takes a second to pull out his bow again and fires one shot, which hits a bandit's leg. (Move action to draw but Full round action for rapid shot, that's why they wanted you to drop weapons, sorry).

In return the bandits loose their arrows across the 140 foot expanse of forest towards the party. Three more arrows fly out of more bushes near the bandits, revealing the positions of 3 more opponents.
Everyone gets hit once, but the charging fighters' armor absorbs the impact. Theaton takes 6 and Archival takes 7 damage.
All but one of them lose the chance to back away as they frantically look around for the invisible opponent. Only one backs away a further 15 feet through the undergrowth.

The fighters run flat out towards the enemy. Zork covers 120 feet and is 20 away from a bandit, but difficult terrain lies ahead of him. Mykael covers 80 feet and is 60 away. Theaton's wolf covers almost the whole distance, but is slowed by the difficult terrain of the undergrowth.

Theaton's next two shots also miss their targets (Rolled a 3 for you).

The second, more desperate, hail of six arrows rains down upon the three closest targets. One penetrates Zork's chain shirt and two skewer the wolf (Zork, Wolf 7 damage).

Out of Character: Note the time it takes to perform certain actions. In this case drawing weapon, intimidating to demoralize, dismissing and even bluffing. That last one is something I never noticed before, and I think a full round is excessive, so I let it slide as a move action. If you wish to gain a mechanical benefit, the action tax must be paid.
Handling an animal can also take time, something I think will come up occasionally.

Theaton's -2 still applied, but due to one range increment instead of rapid shot.
Since Mykael didn't close as expected, he has to run for 1 more round and you have the opportunity to confirm that critical on round 3 with your next post.

Aericsteele and Diarmadhim, please choose Exploding Dice when rolling attacks, so I don't have to confirm all critical hits for you.

Everyone, please include d100 rolls against concealment.

So to recap, 5 bandits are in a line separated from each other by about 15 feet or so. One bandit is 15 behind. They are all in heavy undergrowth and surrounded by 10 feet of light undergrowth (Difficult terrain + concealment). Your distances from them are: Wolf 10', Zork 20', Mykael 60', Theaton and Archival 140'.

I recommend rolling acrobatics to jump over some of the undergrowth.

Now that you have the info on the terrain and their positions, let's continue 2 rounds at a time.
Is everyone okay with all these rules, or are they detracting from the game?

10th Aug, 2015 - 1:52pm / Post ID: #
Zork II
Fighter Level 6
Loner / Middle Front
Character Sheet Lock
Retired Retired

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land

The Second says...

In Character: Zork curses the arrow and continues forward.

Out of Character: I don't know if my last rolls still count but will roll combat again (Multiple)

Zork II Results:
  • Initative on D20 (+1): 18 (1 roll + explode)
  • Attack on D20 (+4): 17, 17, 18, 9 (4 rolls + explode)
  • Damage on D8 (+5): 6, 11, 11, 7 (4 rolls)
  • Concelament on D100 (+0): 72 (1 rolls)
  • Acrobatics on D20 (+1): 3 (1 rolls + explode)

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Post Date: 11th Aug, 2015 - 1:56am / Post ID: #

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land
A Friend

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land - Page 89

Theaton will advance while firing to get closer to them. He will move about 20 feet per round.

He will still use the rapid shot feat. I have included 6 attacks to help you. I will add in the wolfs attacks too
I also rolled 4 concealment rolls 2 for Theaton and two for the wolf

12th Aug, 2015 - 3:01am / Post ID: #
Mykael Brewmor
Fighter3 Paladin3
Novice / Right Fwd. Flank
Character Sheet Lock
Active Player Active Role-player!

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 89

Ignoble says...

Mykael's heart thumps in his chest pumping blood and adrenaline through his veins as he closes on the men, his excitement mounts as he draws near ready to launch himself at the enemy.

Out of Character Sorry I forgot the damage roll on that first attack as well. I will roll two more attacks as Mykael will continue to attack the nearest target

Mykael Brewmor Results:
  • Crit. Check on D20 (+7): 19 (1 roll + explode)
  • Damage on D8 (+3): 8, 6 (2 rolls)
  • Concealment on D100 (+0): 29, 70, 71, 78, 44, 2 (6 rolls)
  • Attacks on D20 (+7): 11, 8(-6) (2 rolls + explode)

> TOPIC: ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land


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